GOP Nominee Josh Hawley Tied with Claire McCaskill – IOTW Report

GOP Nominee Josh Hawley Tied with Claire McCaskill

Breitbart: Republican nominee and Missouri state Attorney General Josh Hawley is now tied with Democrat incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill in the race for Missouri’s U.S. senate seat this November, according to a new poll.

A new NBC News/Marist poll shows that among likely voters, both get 47 percent support, with only five percent undecided.

The poll has Hawley ahead one point among the “larger pool of registered voters” — 47 percent to McCaskill’s 46 percent.

The race is one of the most high-profile of 2018, with Republicans looking to increase their numbers in the Senate by picking off vulnerable Democrats in states that voted for President Trump.

Trump won Missouri in 2016 by an overwhelming 18.5 percent margin of victory. According to the new poll, Trump’s job rating in the state is at 45 percent among likely voters. However, 46 percent disapprove.  more here

10 Comments on GOP Nominee Josh Hawley Tied with Claire McCaskill

  1. Given NBC / Marist ‘s track record for 2016, I don’t believe McCaskill is tied in the race at this time.

    This sample, like the ‘Blue Wave A’Comin ‘ poll touted by WaPo/ABC , isn’t worth the toilet paper a bathroom users’ ass is ‘printed’ on.

    I can’t wait to look back afterwards and see how far off Goebbels Inc Public Survey Co. was.

  2. Davy:

    I am shocked…SHOCKED !!! and appalled to hear someone say Obama is ‘gay’.

    Why , he ain’t gay at all..

    ( but that schlong-under-the-dress-hiding , push-up doing, Adams’ Apple havin’, broad-shouldered chick that calls itself ‘ Michelle’ may be another story. )

  3. mccaskill wants the office so she can sit on the Senate financial committee and steer money to her husband’s subsidized housing interests, of which he has ‘no connection.’ It has worked very well for them in the past- she has a nice shiny jet and multiple houses, but no scruples.
    toss her out folks.


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