GOP Presidential Candidate Perry Johnson Files Second FEC Complaint Against RNC and FOX News – IOTW Report

GOP Presidential Candidate Perry Johnson Files Second FEC Complaint Against RNC and FOX News

Calls Immediate Resignation of the “Most Unsuccessful and Corrupt Chair in the History of the Republican Party” Ronna McDaniel.

GP: American businessman and Republican presidential candidate from Michigan, Perry Johnson, has filed a second complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against the Republican National Committee (RNC) and FOX News.

Earlier this week, Johnson criticized the RNC and Ronna McDaniels for a corrupt and rigged debate process.

“The corrupt and rigged RNC debate process has been a trainwreck from the beginning,” Johnson said in a statement. more here

34 Comments on GOP Presidential Candidate Perry Johnson Files Second FEC Complaint Against RNC and FOX News

  1. Anonymous

    First of all,get a damn name. Second of all, I’m no fan of Ronna. But this guys a strong contender for freak of the weak. Have you ever seen his commercials. Polling is one criteria, there’s another. 40K individual donors. This guy and Elder failed to meet that criteria.

  2. There were three too many at the last debate.
    Admittedly, the only way Trump doesn’t win is if he is forced out of the race.
    I don’t see that happening.
    Last night they cemented Trump’s position.

    I would be fine with them all dropping out and clearing the field.
    That won’t happen so at least we’ll get to argue for a few more months…

  3. Loco, as long as you don’t refer to me as a simpleton we might get along. Of course there are other ways to cross the line but I’m not going to hive you any more ideas.

  4. Now come on joe6, it was a heated thread.
    Not to rehash but you brought it up…

    You wrote:
    “How about one of these no good bastards declare I’M HERE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! These guys don’t have it in their blood. They are no good portfolio building, TRAITOROUS BASTARD politicians!”

    BTW, I didn’t say you were a simpleton, I asked if you were one?
    My actual quote as replied to you:

    “joe6 they all said that.
    Are you that much of a simpleton that requires those exact words to understand their point?

  5. I think the RNC should have allowed all of them to debate in the first debate.
    However, like I told my husband today unless they kill Trump, he dies or drops out, he’s going to be the nominee. GOP cheats a lot in primaries, but they’re not as good at as the democrats and now I see people who never voted for him in a primary before saying they will now, because of what they are doing to him.
    Heck even the black gangsters like him now because he has been indicted four times.
    The debate though was a clown show, I have now watched enough of it to see just how bad it was.

  6. “Hell, the sorry anonymouses could call themselves #1, or #2,”

    True, but here’s the deal, while one of us three assholes on this thread is doing battle with the Trolls, who all post as an Anon, and then one of these clowns show up and type something, It’s not helping. Throws all of ours game off.

  7. @ Joe6pak….Loco typed…“joe6 they all said that.
    Are you that much of a simpleton that requires those exact words to understand their point?

    So, how much of a simpleton does loco think you are?…25%, 50%, 10%?…..

  8. Let’s face it, in the cold light of day can you at least admit that ANYONE on stage uttered “make America great again” it would have gone over well?
    Be honest.
    Hell, the audience would have booed them off the stage.
    The MSM would have pig piled him.
    Trump would have written a two page ALL-CAPS post on truth social about someone stealing his brand.

    Reagan was the first that I’m aware of to use that phrase but everyone knows it belongs to Trump at this point in time.

    PS, do you REALLY have to say that after espousing your plans for the country’s future and telling the audience you are going to send joe biden* back to his basement?
    Of course NOT!

    They are Trump opponents at this time.
    Should they have come up on the stage wearing a MAGA hat?
    It was SO RIDICULOUS, I was flabbergasted, hence the simpleton question.

  9. One thing about Loco is that you can say something completely without an intention of starting something, and he’s sure you’re jerking his chain. And then you will get a response. And if it leads to 100 comments he believes he wins. I’m fine with that, it’s good for iOTW to get a good comment count.

  10. Agreed joe6, I may sometimes, not always, have a hair trigger.
    That said, I felt the need to explain myself in this instance.

    We call each other names here from time to time.
    It’s always in the heat of battle.
    Not an excuse but the reality of online communication.
    I’m not always proud of my rhetoric but I do try and own it.
    I don’t deny being an asshole at certain times…
    I know you aren’t a simpleton.
    That MAGA statement though, was a doozy!

  11. Loco typed….”willys, I consider YOU a simpleton for interjection your ass into this conversation…”
    Isn’t this a blog that has a special purpose such as comments? Aren’t comments encouraged in a blog?…..Aren’t conversations started by interjecting your opinion into said conversation?…..AND lastly I would like to know when you bought BFH out and made this your own personal blog?….schmuck….oh yeah, how do you interjection ones ass into a conversation?….

  12. I once made a disparaging remark about Celine Dion on a thread. Loco called me a faggot, and some other shit. I guess that was heat of battle.

    Loco probably never knew that I was purposely being the imp of the perverse. I knew he would react, and he did. I really don’t give a tinker’s cuss about Celine Dion. Loco, outside of his idee fixe (and there are a few of them), is a square cat. All this fighting is of no pragmatic value.

    As Mike Bloomfield said, “Kick in the front door, burn the place down, and keep going out the back door”.

    Mikey didn’t heed his own advise… but hell, we are all human.

  13. Booger eatin’ moron….Is this what your down to, Loco?…..Your mama jokes?…schumck….

    I gotta go let my dogs out in the rain now that DeSantis finally parted the skies and brought us rain in the drought savaged middle of everywhere….

    Ya know, I’m thinking that Loco is the Jessica Tarlov of….

  14. Erik, as a Kurt Russell fan, Captain Ron from 1992 is great escapism.

    I watch it from time to time and still laugh at it.
    Whoever put that cast together deserves an Academy Award.
    They fit perfectly.
    Seeing Mary Kay Place naked is a wonderful bonus…

  15. Oh and Erik,
    “the victim of idée fixe was understood to be unaware of the unreality of their frame of mind, while the victim of monomania might be aware. At that time, idée fixe was discussed as a form of neurosis or monomania”

    FYI, I’m ALWAYS aware of my frame of mind…
    Try again if you wish…

  16. I’m a retired telephone man. I diagnose cable faults, opens, shorts, splits, crosses (both metallic and inductive) and as a programmer I had to deal with logical faults, and logical logical faults. Sometimes the source code was fucked up, too, and you had to work around it.

    Actually that’s not much different than dealing with a human…

    Opens, shorts, splits, crosses, and the occasional REN fault.

  17. Anon, we ALL maintain some sort of anonymity here.
    We only want you to choose a name TO DIFFERENTIATE YOU FROM OTHERS!

    Good GOD man, why are you so fucking dense?
    If you choose a name such as Copernicus, will we believe you are THE FUCKING Copernicus?

    Make it make sense!

  18. Posting Anon announces to your audience;

    1)I’m not here for an honest discussion.
    2)I don’t have a real high opinion of myself anyway.
    3)Because of the stupid shit I write, the little you know about me, the better.
    4) I never make any real effort in anything I do, so why start now and get an original name?

  19. “Brad and the rest of you: If you were in my shoes, you’d remain annonymous here too.”

    If that’s the case you shouldn’t be posting at all. They have your numbers. And there’s more than one. As soon as you do a hand shake with a network they have your location. With or without a VPN. What added security are you getting out of not using a fictitious name? None.
    One of the few times a agree 100% with the guy above me.

  20. “If that’s the case you shouldn’t be posting at all. They have your numbers….” Not true at all. Believe me, I got my bases covered in that regard. Enough with “names” and just stick together, because our liked-minded commenters we’re all we’re going to have left after the shit hits the fan. And that’s coming soon than anyone realizes. WAY sooner.

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