GOP Readies Cuts to Federal Workforce Under Trump – IOTW Report

GOP Readies Cuts to Federal Workforce Under Trump

RollCall- For years, Republicans in Congress have been eyeing an overhaul of the federal workforce — by reducing the number of workers and curtailing benefits and pay while making it easier to fire bad employees.

Now, with a president-elect who has promised to do much the same, 2017 could be the best time in recent memory to make sweeping changes affecting those who work for the bureaucracy.

One major plan is being readied by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The Utah Republican calls it “high on our agenda.” While details remain sketchy, it would likely mean big changes to the generous retirement benefits given federal workers, mainly by looking to shift new employees from a defined benefit into a market-based 401(k).

He is also interested in making it easier to fire workers who perform badly and wants to reduce the federal civilian workforce, which currently numbers 2.1 million employees, not including U.S. Postal Service employees.

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18 Comments on GOP Readies Cuts to Federal Workforce Under Trump

  1. I pray the incoming administration makes each and every day of the next four years screaming unbearable fucking hell for the left. May the wound ripping and salt pouring begin on January 20 and continue unabated.

    Fuck you, leftist scum. STFU and get in your place.

  2. My wife works for the Feds, the hardest working, smartest woman I have ever seen.
    She wholeheartedly agrees with this, according to her you could get rid of 1/3 and more work would be done because it would be right the first time.
    They won’t let her fire anybody, even after their mistakes cost we the taxpayers million$.

  3. In addition to downsizing, it would be great to see some outright firings and pension removals.

    Start with the easy ones:

    Every IRS employee who helped persecute conservative groups.

    Every EPA employee who abused their power; and certainly those who helped carry out BO’s policies that degrade our quality of life.

    Every DOJ employee who inferferred with investigations, and those who helped BO shake down companies to fund his anti-US peeps.

  4. Take all the IRS, EPA and DOJ employees and assign them to Voter Fraud division to purge all non-citizens, illegals, dead people and people voting multiple times. DJT would then have a 5 million popular vote lead .
    Give them a dollar for every illegal vote found. That would be their compensation.

  5. Knowing the FedGov as I do (not an expert, but as a 36 yr. employee) the AFSCME and other associations of maggotry will circle the wagons for the most worthless, laziest, stupidest, dope-up-edest, drunkest, worthless (did I mention worthless?) useless, pieces of shit on the FedGov payroll, because they understand that if THOSE cannot be got rid of, the marginal (who work 2 hrs. a day) will last forever. And the ones who will initiate any actions (GS-9 and above) are, probably, the most worthless of the lot – these would rather have their fingernails pulled out than do even the most rudimentary of work.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Golphin — At a buck a head I’d take that job!! In fact, I’ll take on that job single-handed!

    Newt always joked that one of his plans for finding illegals who don’t want to be found is to simply put UPS in charge of finding them. Just give UPS drivers the names of suspected illegals and visa overstays — they always find their *customers* (and get a signature, too)!

  7. Oh dear, watch the snowflakes melt as the milk has dried up and there’s no one but the parents to suck off of. I have been waiting for this for years now. Federal employees who can’t be fired are going to be cut loose another way. Please start with the IRS, EPA, Social Workers, on and on down the line. They can find a job in a factory that Trump has plans for. Break their dinner plate.

  8. Maybe it’s time for a nation wide contest to see who can come up with the most Federal Agencies to get rid of; EPA, D of Ed, D of Energy, EEOC… And, it’s time for a top to bottom audit of all the paperwork surviving Federal employees have to put up with.

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