GOP Rep. Boebert, a Second Amendment advocate, granted D.C. concealed carry permit – IOTW Report

GOP Rep. Boebert, a Second Amendment advocate, granted D.C. concealed carry permit


GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert, the holster-wearing Colorado restaurant owner recently elected to Congress, has received a permit to carry a gun in Washington, D.C.

The chief of the District of Columbia police department said Thursday that Boebert has been granted a concealed-carry permit.

Boebert successfully campaigned on Second Amendment rights and shortly after winning declared she would carry her Glock at the U.S. Capitol. Congressional Democrats in recent months have file legislation seeking to ban members from carrying a gun inside of the Capitol.

“As we do with all our permits, if citizens are allowed to carry, then we grant them a permit,” said Robert Contee, chief of the Metropolitan Police Department.  read more

19 Comments on GOP Rep. Boebert, a Second Amendment advocate, granted D.C. concealed carry permit

  1. …and a gun in DC seems a bit silly anyway, since you’re going to be blown up and doxxed as a racist, disarmed and jailed with that naked Wood guy from the FBI picture if you have to defend from any of the denizens OUTSIDE the Capitol, but since the REAL criminals are INSIDE the Capitol and they ALL have private security details with “shoot to kill” orders and permission (ask Ashli Babbitt how THAT works), you’re hopelessly outgunned ANYWAY plus you’d need a 435 round magazine to actually make a difference, but nice gesture though, always fun when Republicans make nice, but basically meaningless, gestures as Democrats continue to turn us into a single party Communist totalitarian nation totally unhinderd by anything effective…

  2. More cops per square foot in DC than any other city on Earth.
    You’d think crime would be non-existent – but most of the criminals are in Office.

    What Antidote wrote above: nice to be “permitted” to exercise a right!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What happens when, someday, some Congressthing has to defend itself from a violent attack on its life using a gun?

    Particularly if it’s a Leftist Congressthing defending itslef from somthing like an Antifa?

  4. Rep. Boebert, You are about to be “played”. Nothing in DC happens without a ulterior motive.
    My (foil hat) is melting right now computing the scenario that is going to befall you, into a no win situation where carrying that gun “can and MOST definitely be used against you” and everyone else in the Nation… It’s coming!

  5. While I congratulate her successful effort to get the permit, why should she be treated any different than any other “law abiding” citizen of DC? DC is among the hardest places to get a concealed carry permit. Why the special privileges given to our “servants”?

  6. Tim
    FEBRUARY 6, 2021 AT 6:57 AM
    “More cops per square foot in DC than any other city on Earth.
    You’d think crime would be non-existent – but most of the criminals are in Office.”

    …and the ones in the offices put the ones on the streets off-limits because, racism, so you end up with a very large police force that’s only allowed to write tickets for ofay White tourists and arrest people for daring to protest election fraud…

  7. @ Tony R…

    Because Boebert was gonna open carry anyway and they are trying to quell an awakening beast. Maybe CC’s in DC will become easier tot get. Boebert will lead that charge…..I hope…

  8. Watch out for HB 127. It will mandate that all legally owned guns must be registered with the feds, who will share the data with any local government. In addition, a gun owner will be required to report where the gun is stored, r carry costly insurance and subject gun owners and their families to a psychological review, whatever the hell that means. The first step toward confiscation. So the only ones left with guns will be the government and criminals. They are coming for our guns, be ready.

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