GOP Rep. Gaetz Threatens Twitter With FEC Complaint Over Twitter Suppression, Claims Twitter May Be Giving Opponent Illegal Advantage – IOTW Report

GOP Rep. Gaetz Threatens Twitter With FEC Complaint Over Twitter Suppression, Claims Twitter May Be Giving Opponent Illegal Advantage

  • Twitter’s recent algorithm change suppressed, or “shadow-banned,” prominent conservatives, including Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, a new report found.
  • Gaetz is considering filing a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Twitter, he told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Gaetz said his Twitter account’s growth slowed immediately after Twitter’s recent algorithm change.
  • Twitter acknowledged the “inaccurate” search results but said it was unrelated to politics.

DC: Rep. Matt Gaetz is considering filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) over Twitter’s alleged suppression of his account, the Florida Republican told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday.

Gaetz was one of several prominent conservatives, including members of Congress and the chair of the Republican National Committee, whose accounts Twitter suppressed by making it harder to find in the site’s search function, a Vice News investigation published Wednesday found.

“Democrats are not being ‘shadow banned’ in the same way,” the report concluded, noting: “Not a single member of the 78-person Progressive Caucus faces the same situation in Twitter’s search.”  MORE

6 Comments on GOP Rep. Gaetz Threatens Twitter With FEC Complaint Over Twitter Suppression, Claims Twitter May Be Giving Opponent Illegal Advantage

  1. “Twitter acknowledged the “inaccurate” search results but said it was unrelated to politics”
    = = =
    The Doctor said the scalpel was left inside the patient but had nothing to do with the abdominal pains suffered post-op and ain’t his fault.

  2. Why spend time considering a complaint, just do it. Even msm polls show the majority of Americans know Twitter and Facebook are censuring both content and users.

  3. This is crucial:

    “So I believe that Twitter may have illegally donated to the campaigns of my opponents by prejudicing against my content,” he said.

    That makes Twitter’s actions a violation of campaign financing laws


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