GOP Rep. Issa plans Hunter Biden laptop investigation, warns White House to not destroy evidence – IOTW Report

GOP Rep. Issa plans Hunter Biden laptop investigation, warns White House to not destroy evidence

I’m so sick of these Sissies.

Just The News:
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., warned the Biden White House on Thursday against destroying evidence related to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, saying Republicans plan to investigate it should they take control of the House during midterm elections this Fall.

“Today, I put this White House — including Jen Psaki and Ron Klain — on notice: Don’t delete or destroy any evidence of your coordination and collusion in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal,” Issa tweeted Thursday evening, specifically signaling out Biden’s White House press secretary and his chief of staff.

Issa, the likely House Oversight Committee chair should the GOP take the House, told the John Solomon Reports podcast on Tuesday about his plans.

“What I can’t live with is the fact that when The New York Post, one of the oldest print newspapers in the country, founded in 1801, comes out with credible evidence, which they can show how they got it, what their sources were — there were no hidden sources on this — they not only got shut down by … Facebook and Twitter, but they got shut down by The New York Times, by public broadcasting, by virtually everyone,” Issa said at the time. more

15 Comments on GOP Rep. Issa plans Hunter Biden laptop investigation, warns White House to not destroy evidence

  1. “Warns the White House not to destroy evidence “.
    Now that’s funny. Or what, Issa? Hillary destroyed evidence and not a damned thing happened to her, or ever will.

  2. Good golly, what stuff? It’s long gone you pretend-to-care-Republican idiots!!

    If you didn’t get copies, which I’m sure you did, shame on you.

    This crap like so many others, has been going on for a long time.

    Every time we hear clowngress ask or set up an investigation it’s just to ferret out everything that needs to be ‘lost’ or ‘misinformation’ or finds its way past the ‘we care dog and pony” show of the committee!

  3. “…warns White House to not destroy evidence”


    …and then nothing happens..

  4. This is how GOPe types warn their democrat masters when to destroy evidence. Biden could literally toss the laptop onto a bonfire on the White House lawn and nothing would happen to him because the FBI likely built the bonfire.

    We have zero limits on democrat criminality now. None.

  5. Issa is all bluster and no action. That’s the way he’s always been. I don’t think he’s ever accomplished anything. I reluctantly voted for him before I escaped California but I wasn’t happy about it. At least he’ll do less damage than a democrat.


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