GOP Rep. Mace joins AOC in urging FDA to “ignore” abortion pill freeze – IOTW Report

GOP Rep. Mace joins AOC in urging FDA to “ignore” abortion pill freeze

Axios: Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) may be on the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to abortion rights, but on the conflicting rulings about abortion pills they agree: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should “ignore” a Texas federal judge’s decision to halt the approval of abortion medication.

Why it matters: If that ruling stands, manufacturing, selling and distributing the abortion drug mifepristone will be outlawed — effectively creating a nationwide ban on abortion medication.

What they’re saying: “I believe that the Biden administration should ignore this ruling,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an appearance on CNN. The courts are making “a mockery of our system, a mockery of our democracy and a mockery of our law.”

  • “I think one of the things that we need to examine is the grounds of that ruling. But I do not believe that the courts have the authority to, have the authority over the FDA that they just asserted, and I do believe that it creates a crisis,” she added.

Mace similarly said in her own interview with CNN that “this is an FDA-approved drug. Whether you agree with its usage or not, that’s not your decision. That is the FDA’s decision.”

  • “I support the usage of FDA-approved drugs even if we might disagree. It’s not up to us to decide as legislators or even the court system … So I agree with ignoring [the ruling] at this point.” more

16 Comments on GOP Rep. Mace joins AOC in urging FDA to “ignore” abortion pill freeze

  1. “I support the usage of FDA-approved cattle cars even if we might disagree. It’s not up to us to decide as legislators or even the court system”…FIFY….

  2. The so-called “lawmakers” are saying that America should ignore the Judiciary?
    I’m good with that for the most part, but do these two imbeciles understand the gravity and extent of their suggestion? They would empower the unelected, faceless, nameless Executive Agency bureaucrats over one of the three Constitutional Branches of Government? Does that really sound like a good idea?

    I admit that the Judiciary is as corrupt and rotten as the Legislative and Executive Branches, but this is a clear call to anarchy – a declaration of War against the Constitution (not that anyone GsAF about the Constitution, anyway, but pols and judges usually make a pretense of honoring it).

    “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the World, …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. All of the necessary medical supervision and attention needed for women taking this drug went out the window. This drug has killed women even under close medical supervision.

    When this drug came out it required 3 trips to the doctor for supervision and monitoring. THREE. Now they want to mail it to women, half of whom can’t read above a third grade level.

    It is a two stage process. Pill #1 kills the baby, pill #2 causes extreme cramping that is supposed to expel the baby. without medical supervision and care, complications go untreated and women die.

    The effing pro-abort want women to get this in the mail and take it like it’s easy. Women are going to die.

  4. It almost seems as if the entire economy of the western nations relies entirely on pushing Pills, for everything. Day and Night. Rise and Shine. Get Up. Get Down.

  5. “Women are going to die.”

    The pro-Death Satanists, abortion supporters, and jab-maggots don’t GAS if women die – in fact – to them, that’s a Feature, not a Bug!

    Women are the bringers of Life – the more women who die – the fewer humans will be given life – that is the calculus of Satanic Nihilistic Totalitarianism.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. She initially endorsed Trump, however, when she ran for office. TRrup supportesd her as well until…. Trump has lambasted her as “nasty, disloyal, and bad for the Republican Party.”

    With 85 percent of the expected vote reported, Mace led Arrington 53 to 45 percent.

    Ironic that Mace won a considerable vote. So Brad, South Carolina, WTF were you thinking? They thought Mace was the better candidate. It’s okay to regret a vote.

  7. When the left utters the words “our democracy”, every American should be fearful. They have a totally different interpretation of those words and it’s not good.


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