GOP Reps Call on Liz Cheney to Resign as House GOP Chairwoman for ‘Political Witch-Hunt Impeachment’ – IOTW Report

GOP Reps Call on Liz Cheney to Resign as House GOP Chairwoman for ‘Political Witch-Hunt Impeachment’


Numerous Republicans in Congress are calling on Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming to resign from her position as conference chairwoman after she joined Democratic efforts to impeach President Donald Trump this week.

Cheney, who is the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, announced her intent to vote to impeach the president, joining Democrats who are eager to make him go away.

A notion among much of the GOP base is that Democrats have been waiting for a pretext such as last week’s Capitol incursion to exile Trump from politics.

Another notion is that Cheney, the third-ranking member of the GOP in the House, herself has been eager to see Trump, Trumpism and Trump supporters banished from the party of her father. more

29 Comments on GOP Reps Call on Liz Cheney to Resign as House GOP Chairwoman for ‘Political Witch-Hunt Impeachment’

  1. She and other RINOs have joined the dumpocraps into an attempt to steamroller us into oblivion.

    I don’t see how they can impeach Trump now, or how they could legally keep him from running again in 2024. I’m not saying he should or would run in 2024, but how could they legally stop him?

  2. They just can’t help revealing who they are and what they think of us, can they? Like I said earlier, this is who they really are — it’s just that the mask they’ve been wearing has finally fallen away. If they do force her out, watch her defect to the D’s and claim that the Republicans have abandoned her.

  3. …Well, Joe6pak, you idiot….LOL, sorry couldn’t help myself….

    Cheyenne is the capital so it’s lost. Laramie is a college town that’s 35 miles west of Cheyenne, it’s lost…The northwest sections have been invaded by the west coast for 30 years, Jackson, Cody…..There’s some hidden treasures in the central and southwest area which I won’t disclose to anyone from the west coast. I won’t tell you about Utah and believe it or not….Kansas. 65 degrees here today with nary a breeze. I helped a guy grind hay for his cattle and there wasn’t 50 people within 10 square miles. You west coast boys just stay on the west coast and fix your world there before you think about moving on…..

  4. Willy, better men than you have called me an idiot, and they were friends of mine. I might be on the west coast now, but I grew up in Alaska. I’ve spent a lot of time being in an area with less than 20 people within 100 square miles. Why that is a measurement of anything is beyond me. Feel free to give it another try.

  5. Joe6pak….which part of Alaska?….when you were a drilling grunt or when you were younger????…..I spent some time from Soldatna to Prince William sound. A brief time, but I’ve got a life long friend who settled there….The population measurement is merely describing the happiness of being left alone…….and YOU started the idiot nomenclature…..LOL

  6. IDK, Willy…..whatever, sounds like a total fuck-off.

    Maybe it’s just me or my lack of patience but some Assholes are nothing more than a walking shit-stain…..Others are just an offensive, inundating, putrid, liquefied FART.

    Either way social distancing needs to be greatly increased.

  7. Willy, Growing up isn’t necessarily a measurement of age as much as it is a measurement of maturity and/or wisdom. I spent 12 years working in Prudhoe Bay, on my days off my friends and I covered a hell of a lot of ground in Alaska. My work has allowed me to spend even more time in Alaska. Lived in Homer, Anchorage, Eagle River, camped out in many other parts.

  8. Red Hand, no argument here. However, I love all of Alaska. Homer, Anchor Point, Talkeetna, Soldotna, Valdez, Ketchikan, Dillingham. And those are just communities, just places to get supplies to go into the bush. That’s where Alaska is great. But you probably already know that. Alaska, “The Great Land”!

  9. Another day, another neocon whore getting paid off by the defense industry to keep those horrendously expensive arms contracts coming. Who cares if a bunch of poor bastards come home in flag draped boxes, her father and the Shrub sure didn’t.

  10. A deceptive call. Meaningless and zero chance just for show and to calm the savage MAGA voters:

    Write you GOP Representative and demand the House GOP Caucus expel (e-x-p-e-, EXPEL) the Traitorous Ten. The GOP needs to take direct action if they wish to remain a party. Remind them of the 66-68 million MAGA voters that are sticking with Trump. Either expel the Ten or resign as the Trump Party replaces the GOP.
    It’s a time for choosing. Now is the time for the GOP to either stand up or fall to oblivion.

  11. Keep In mind these pricks on both sides of the aisle know exactly what they’re doing to the country. Selling out to the Chinese for 30 pieces of silver,- make that gold.

  12. Liz Cheney should not resign as the house GOP Chairwoman. She should resign from her seat in congress. She has shown herself to be everything the democrats want in a republicrat; petty, submissive to the democrat narrative and willing to backstab her constituents to “go along to get along” with a democrat agenda. Cheney has sullied her seat and should remove herself post haste.

  13. Brad, Liz is not from Wyoming. She is FROM DC and grew up in DC. She is the picture perfect, all purpose, carpet bagger. I thought everyone knew this. It is exactly the same story we see repeated all over the United States… like Romney moving to Utah to run for office FROM UTAH. And no body I know (I live in Wyoming) voted for LIZ in the primary. BUT somehow she WON again and continues to win.



    Maybe that silly lady named Sidney was not lying when she said every single state had voting fraud this year and apparently they also has proof of fraud for years (AND YEARS) before this past election year.

  14. joe6pak…

    We do have a great WY Senator, Cynthia Lummis.

    …but we also have Senator Barrasso.. He is always somehow wheeling and dealing with Mitch the Bitch. John Bare Ass Oh likely cancels out any good thing our great senator Lummis might have tried to achieve.

    I see I am making typos. That is one reason I stopped commenting here and everywhere. But I love the team at BFH’s place, and I read faithfully.

    You are MOSTLY all smart and hilarious. Thank you.

    Gin Blossom…YES Lizzie’s sis is the confessed Lesbian. Who cares.



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