GOP reps. introduce ‘OMAR Act’ to crackdown on lawmakers who channel campaign funds to spouse – IOTW Report

GOP reps. introduce ‘OMAR Act’ to crackdown on lawmakers who channel campaign funds to spouse

Geller Report:

Rep. Omar Campaign Payments Accounted For 80% Of Husband’s Firm’s Cash E Street Group received $3.7 million from political committees this past cycle, keeping it afloat

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) campaign payments to her husband’s consultancy firm accounted for approximately 80 percent of its cash haul during the 2020 elections, federal filings show, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The E Street Group, a Washington, DC, consulting firm which Omar’s husband, Tim Mynett and his business partner Will Hailer own, received $3.7 million from political committees this past cycle.

“Omar’s campaign was by far its biggest moneymaker, writing more than 140 checks for a grand total of $2.9 million, or 78 percent of the firm’s payments. Its second biggest cash source was Omar mentor Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), whose campaign provided $194,000. The two combined for 85 percent of the firm’s payments,” reported the Beacon. more

10 Comments on GOP reps. introduce ‘OMAR Act’ to crackdown on lawmakers who channel campaign funds to spouse

  1. This is fake outrage so they have something to bitch about for the next election cycle. No one will go to jail. 🤨

    Until I see results the Republican Party can pound sand, and may I remind the Repube’s how they have treated the Trump supporters like shit. We won’t forget.

  2. I am sure that if Trump had done this he would have been impeached for it — and probably convicted.

    It is just another case of “We’re allowed to do it, you aren’t” You would have thought this already would have violated a law of some kind.

  3. A tried-and-true method of embezzlement.
    It will remain unchecked.
    Another legal theft. There are thousands of them. We, the People, don’t GAF enough to root out the maggots and lice in Office, so they proliferate.
    Stealing and tax-dodging are so ubiquitous that the maggots never retire – why do you imagine PsOS like Biden, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein, McCain, et al, stay way past their sell dates? In their diminished mental states they cannot be fully enjoying the “perks” of Office, but they, their families, their hangers-on, their staffs, are all reaping a Golden Harvest from the legalized thefts and legal tax-avoidances. Too many parasites are dependent upon each of the maggots in Office. Thus, the entrenchment. Thus, the capitulation to the siren song of corruption. Ever notice that even a good man, after a few terms, becomes that which he was elected to eliminate?

    There’s a REASON for thousands of pages of tax codes sloshing through Congress every year – and most of it has nothing to do with funding.

    But, I guess everybody knows this – just that nobody cares.

    izlamo delenda est …


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