GOP seeks pledge to avert Trump third-party run – IOTW Report

GOP seeks pledge to avert Trump third-party run

WASHINGTON (AP) — Seeking to avert a 2016 disaster, the Republican National Committee on Wednesday challenged every GOP presidential candidate to sign a pledge not to undertake a third-party bid under any circumstances.


The challenge, confirmed by multiple campaigns, is aimed squarely at Donald Trump. And the timing of the pledge suggests an agreement has been reached.

While he is leading the packed Republican field in early polls, the billionaire businessman last month repeatedly threatened to launch a third-party bid — leaving open the possibility even at the GOP’s first presidential debate last month — should he fail to claim the Republican presidential nomination. Such a decision would make it all but impossible for the Republican Party to win the White House in 2016.

RNC officials have been working privately with Trump’s campaign for several weeks to avert such a scenario. more

34 Comments on GOP seeks pledge to avert Trump third-party run

  1. It doesn’t look like the GOPe is ever going to change . . . so either change must be thrust upon it or a new party needs to emerge. That may take some time, but it needs to happen. The sooner the better.

  2. FROM

    “People focusing on the “legality” of the matter are completely missing the “political” or psychological use of this.

    As you say, the whole function of this pledge card is to be able to hold it up and wave in the air, 24/7/365, as soon as Trump were to announce going Independent…
    …and then whine, whine, whine,

    “SEE?! You can’t trust him! He’s not a man of his words! We’re shocked! SHOCKED!”

    As I see it, the two paths are:

    1) Trump signs the card, gets on all ballots, all while the GOP yells, “SEE?! Your guy is a pussy! He’s our b!tch now!!!” and the whole bag of dirty tricks against him starts to roll out.


    2) Trump doesn’t sign the card, is not on the South Carolina ballot (but gets write-ins, whether allowed or not), gets even MORE support from folks who enjoy seeing a person stand up to a bully. The more the GOP continues to act like a spoiled adolescent throwing a temper tantrum, Trump gets bolder and earns more respect from voters.”

  3. But he needs support from MANY more voters than just Conservatives…and they might be turned off by his saying one thing and doing another (SEE: my post below).

  4. Da Tromp should tell faggot Rancie that he would meet him half way. Wait till about July of next year and see how they treat him through the primaries and debates. Then decide.

  5. Or Trump signs, but with written (signed by the GOP (non) leadership, stipulations of change from the GOP. get rid of the lobbyists, stop their self-destructive shoving of THEIR candidate (Bush, McCain, etc) down the throats of Republicans.

  6. Trump should avoid all efforts of the GOP, to blackmail, coerce, whip
    him into one of the very things we hate; a lying, deceitful, cheating, avaricious, LIBERAL COMPLIANT, lazy, piece of sh.. politician, like Boehner and the whimpy, ‘I can’t’ McConnell.

  7. I think I’d rather hear Trump tell the RNC/GOP to phuck off. Don’t make any deals with that lazy corrupt bunch. Start a new party, the republican name has been tarnished.
    Call it the No Bullshit party. Everybody will throw in their vote. People are tired of this crap.

  8. I think you have the rnc plans correct but we will have to wait and see what the donald does.
    one thing for sure the rnc will do everything they can to stop any one actually representing the voters.
    another thing for sure is the donald isn’t george bush’s slower brother jeb and the donald loves being non-pc and knows that is his strength.

    I compare, and I don’t mean this in a bad way, the donalds supporters, which I am one of, are like the poor guy who dates the same flashy woman for years always taking her to the most expensive restaurants and entertainment to just get a peck on the cheek or hand shake, told goodnight or I am not that type of girl and have the door slammed in his face night after night when he brings her home and never being invited in, and all the while she is showering her affections on some slicker who will turn his back on her the next day and act like he doesn’t know her.

    Sooner or later the guy will start to notice the plain girl next door who knows him and who wants him and will give him the attention he wants with out all the expense and humiliation.

  9. The RNC is a pack of treasonous dogs and Trump is a fool if he plays their duplicitous game. ANY Republican who signs it is toast in my book. It’s childish bullshit and the optics are pathetic.

    Rinsed Prius should be ashamed.

  10. that thought makes me wonder if any politician actually did as his constituents voted for him to do while in office if he would even have to campaign for re-election?
    it’s seems to me the campaign is all about telling your voters why you couldn’t do what you constituents wanted but you will next time if re-elected.

  11. “The oath was necessary to “firmly establish among the vast circle of lawyers faith in socialism with Chinese characteristics … and effectively improve the quality of lawyers’ political ideology”, the ministry said in a statement posted on its website.

    “I promise to faithfully fulfill the sacred mission of socialism with Chinese characteristics … loyalty to the motherland, its people, and uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China,” lawyers must say under the oath.

    This is the first time that lawyers have been required to pledge allegiance to the Party in an oath, Mo Shaoping, a prominent human rights lawyer, said.

    The Party has always been wary of lawyers, who they suspect could challenge one-party rule through the advocacy of the rule of law.”

  12. The concept of taking a pledge to do anything is laughable. Don’t all of our public servants “take a pledge” called the oath of office to uphold the Constitution? Most don’t seem to know or care what’s in the Constitution. Liars, cheaters, thieves. And they desperately want our vote.

  13. You can be sure that Trump is wheeling and dealing circles around them, and he said himself that his poll numbers will only go up if he signs the pledge. The only reason he hasn’t signed is the bad optics for the GOP control freaks play right into his hand.

    You can also be sure that whatever concessions and promises he wrings out of the GOPe will be front and center at the mic an hour later. The stupid GOPers will try to hide their humiliation by asking him to sign a non-disclosure agreement on the terms of the loyalty oath signing, which he will wad up and toss back across the table.

  14. My opinion. Trump is an American and I doubt if he would consider running as a third party candidate. As for a pledge?
    I believe they should all reaffirm their their pledges to defend and protect the Constitution, and abide by it. Protect America from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Secure our borders. And make our Military number One in the world.

    But above all candidates, don’t piss down our backs and tell us it’s raining. Don’t run promising us what we want to hear and then cut and run. Don’t lie to us anymore. We’re sick of it.

  15. The RNC will get played on this one. The Donald is a master at negotiating contracts. He will sign the pledge but he will have some of his own terms added to it. By the time they realize what they have agreed to, it will be to late!

  16. How Donald Trump signing some bs GOP integrity comes first pledge, is a priority, when both houses under GOP control just rubber-stamp the Democrat radical agenda, doesn’t solve anything in America’s best interest.

    “We’re the GOP to control both houses, what would be different?” The GOP DOES control both houses, still, without representation, we’re watching without a fight, the fundamental change of America. The GOP are RINO’s

  17. Ted Cruz is hated by the GOPe for doing exactly that. He has stated many times that what he does is not for his party but for the people who elected him.

    Ted Cruz said he would keep his promises to the people of Texas and that is why he stood up for abolishing Obamacare, called out McConnell a liar in front of the Senate, is fighting to defund PP and is fighting to deny Obama his deal with Iran.

  18. While he is leading the packed Republican field in early polls, the billionaire businessman last month repeatedly threatened to launch a third-party bid — leaving open the possibility even at the GOP’s first presidential debate last month — should he fail to claim the Republican presidential nomination.

    Not so much “if I don’t get the nomination I’ll go third party” as “if you assholes pull the same shit on me that you did to nominate McCain and Romney, I’m gone.”

    Trump should tell them to ESAD.


    “Former Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R – MD), who after losing the Republican primary in 2008 to his opponent Andy Harris, endorsed and campaigned for his Democratic opponent, Frank Kratovil. He even admitted to voting for Barack Obama.

    The RNC, Republican Governors Association (headed by Chris Christie), and many Republicans in the commonwealth of Virginia refused to support Ken Cuccinelli. Some of them actually went so far as to help his Democratic opponent, Terry McAuliffe.

    And last but not least, the disgraceful behavior of Republicans in Mississippi in the Chris McDaniel – Thad Cochran Senate race, where Republicans (particularly establishment Republicans loyal to Cochran) used racial undertones to smear Chris McDaniel (who is not a racist and is a good person) in order to appeal to black Democratic voters.”

  20. 1st of all, Trump is liberal as most RINO’s, why are they not helping him?
    By the way all the articles about this are written, you’d think there’s only 2 parties. Trump should sign something that he won’t run as a ‘third party’ candidate. I think the CPUSA is the third party on most ballots. Trump could claim he’s the 10th party candidate.

  21. Bwahaha! Unicorn dreaming, huh? (From a previous thread). Child. And it sounds like you’re incisting that Trump work across the aisle. We’re already doing that – how’s it working out for us? Glad to see Trump wisely take the pledge to support the Republican nominee. Now I truly believe that he wants to make America great again.

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