GOP Sen. Kennedy torches Kamala Harris with unique line of questioning for Amy Coney Barrett – IOTW Report

GOP Sen. Kennedy torches Kamala Harris with unique line of questioning for Amy Coney Barrett

BPR: U.S. Sen. John Kennedy began his questioning of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett by mocking Sen. Kamala Harris and her line of inquiry. Watch

14 Comments on GOP Sen. Kennedy torches Kamala Harris with unique line of questioning for Amy Coney Barrett

  1. So he goes from calling her his ‘best senator friend forever’ to challenging her as a prosecutor?

    I don’t get these assholes and the double speak.

    It comes from both ‘sides’ of the Uniparty.

  2. i dont know why you want to preface a vicious attack with “my friend”. . . my ass. I doubt if she’s his friend or he’s hers. No way.

    Kennedy reminds me of some lawyer in some movie. Help me out here?

    Ghost, you order your popcorn yet? LOL

  3. @Charlie WalksonWater – as far as the political popcorn meter goes, it’s PINNED right now. RED.

    As far as your ‘good stuff’? We only ate it for 500 miles plus!

    Where can we get it??? ‘Only in local suppliers???’

    Posters of IOTW, it’s like…almost better than Cracker Jacks at the ballgame…but THIS popcorn is for the modern day Bread and Circuses in the Forum.

    The batch we had was red white and blue…two BIG bags.

    Never will forget it, and neither will my boys C of SD.

    There is just something in it that makes it so good?

    American LOVE.

  4. @Charlie WalksonWater – that popcorn made it to the Field of Dreams in Dyersville, Iowa. Yeah that corn field.

    It’s true and for the record.

    I suggest you set up some type of concession stand…’remotely’ to use a word…in Iowa…

  5. let’s not get too carried away w/ Sen. Kennedy’s polite decorum as weakness

    killing Kamala Kameleon w/ kindness is not agreeing w/ her … it deflects criticism from Pravda, aka ‘demedia’

    there is nothing Harris can do to counter his criticism, veiled as compliment, w/out being a snarky bitch … kudos to Kennedy … political discourse at its best

  6. Where the fuck is our Preston Brooks when the country so desperately needs one?

    I have had enough of these Goddamned worthless politicians attacking other people’s character with impunity. They need to be taught a lesson in common decency that they won’t soon forget.

  7. “You’re against white supremacy aren’t you?”

    If you have to ask every white Republican this question at the beginning, doesn’t that show your own racist stereotypes and attitudes?

    Why didn’t she fight back when Booker asked this?

  8. I just listened to about 3/5ths of todays “hearings” (nobody listens so why are they called “hearings”?), and it seems to me, with stunningly few exceptions, that the Senate is composed of the most boring bloviating blow fish I’ve ever heard in my entire life! I guarantee that if they cleared the room of all the photographers and videographers, these people would have been wrapped up with this nonsense in less than a day. I bet that 2/3rds of the views of their videos on YT and C-SPAN are from themselves, their staffers and their own friends and family. The televising of this stuff only encourages the kinds of grandstanding they all do. It’s a sick bunch of people.

  9. the proper retort to someone that brings up ‘white supremacy’ is to ask the questioner to give you a proper definition … as defined by the questioner … of ‘white supremacy’. so, of course, you can properly answer their question
    … throw their rhetorical bullcrap back at them

    also works w/ …
    white privilege
    black lives matter
    global cooling global warming climate change
    cultural appropriation
    sexual preference

    … practically anything they throw at you!

    so, you’re saying that because certain bee colonies are aggressive against other bee colonies because certain members of human society are creating too much carbon emissions? … & we should ban all carbon emissions?

  10. @AA ~ the only reason for the Senate hearing was for Lady Lindsey to get enough face-time as a ‘serious person’ to gain his/her re-election

    … & sadly, the reality is, that’s better than the d’rat alternative


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