GOP Senator Burr Who Voted to Convict Trump Looks Likely to Face Consequences – IOTW Report

GOP Senator Burr Who Voted to Convict Trump Looks Likely to Face Consequences

WJ: A vote to convict Donald Trump is having consequences.

The seven Senate Republicans who found the former president guilty in the Democratic-engineered impeachment trial that ended Saturday are already finding out from the folks back home just how unpopular that move was.

North Carolina’s Sen. Richard Burr is the latest example, and Republicans looking at the 2022 midterms and 2024 presidential election should be paying attention. read more

15 Comments on GOP Senator Burr Who Voted to Convict Trump Looks Likely to Face Consequences

  1. “are already finding out from the folks back home just how unpopular that move was.”

    The 7 Rinos do not care what their people back home think or else they wouldn’t have voted the way they did. Either that or they’re living under a rock. Either way is plausible. Stick it to them, make a lesson to be learned out of them. 79+ million people aren’t all wrong. GO TRUMP! BELIEVE IT RINOS!

  2. There will be no consequences.
    Some minor blowback which will puff out into vapor over time.

    In a just world … but this isn’t a just world … so they have no worries.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They are owned by the deep state. The deep state has the goods on them for something, either perverse or criminal or both. They ha dno chopice. Once you are owned there is no way out but losing your position by being voted out. But the deep state is vindictive. They will likely still burn them on the way out even though they did what they were told. They always kill and eat thier own.

  4. The seven represent the reason that the politically connected are not prosecuted for their real crimes.

    They do not represent interests the voters, they do not represent the a just society, THEY REPRESENT THE INTERESTS OF THE DEEP STATE.

    They are insiders in an exclusive club and so long as there are voters who are more concerned with putting a Mormon in office than putting the best person to represent their interests in office this will continue.

    I am Catholic and my family is from Ireland. It is precisely because nominal Catholics and low self esteem Irish losers have a track record of voting the worst element of people of Irish extraction or a fraudulent claim to be Catholic into office just so they can feel some connection to the asshole they vote for that both start a lap back whenever they appear on any ballot I am considering.

    The Mormons certainly don’t have a better track record than either of the two populations that I have a connection to, but they are morons and not smart enough to be an asset to a free society.

  5. A little OT, but pertains to those of us Conservatives out there. It’s a quote from James Stockdale, a genuine Patriot, POW, Medal of Honor recipient, and a first class guy. This was in an article that was sent to me.

    “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose —with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” ~ James Stockdale

    If you remember James Stockdale was the VP candidate running with Ross Perot.

  6. His was a calculated decision. He still wants to be of the “in crowd” securing an after public service payday on K street or as a media “guest”. BTW, what ever happened to the insider trading accusation. Never mind.

    He’s another reason tar and feathers need to become fashionable again.

  7. Censure. BFD.

    express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement

    In other words, just more bulloney meaningless sternly worded notes.

  8. Burr clearly doesn’t give a shit because he’s retiring next year. But I can assure you that Senator Chickenbeak Cassidy will face retirement in 2026 by primary or popular election.

    He is what Cajuns rightly describe as having an alligator 🐊 mouth and a rabbit 🐇 ass

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