GOP Senator Rescinds Praise of McCaskill, Asks Campaign to Remove Him From Ad – IOTW Report

GOP Senator Rescinds Praise of McCaskill, Asks Campaign to Remove Him From Ad

WFB: A Republican senator, whose compliment was featured in a Claire McCaskill campaign ad, rescinded his praise this week and asked the Missouri Democratic senator to remove his name and image from the ad.

The newest McCaskill ad, titled “Independence,” trumpets her moderate record and her history of working across the aisle. “It’s why Republican Senator Pat Roberts said, ‘if you want to pick somebody to work in a bipartisan manner … to get things done — you pick Claire McCaskill,” the ad’s narration says, over a picture of the Kansas Republican and McCaskill.

But Roberts, who has endorsed McCaskill’s Republican opponent Josh Hawley, took back the remark and asked for his name, image, and quote to be removed from the ad. more here

12 Comments on GOP Senator Rescinds Praise of McCaskill, Asks Campaign to Remove Him From Ad

  1. pbunyan and Different Tim, good thing I don’t have a TV right now. I haven’t seen any of her ads.

    I live in a highly conservative area, and I couldn’t be happier; especially after living so long in deep blue MN.

  2. @Mithrandir October 6, 2018 at 7:51 pm

    > ONE WEIRD TRICK to get unanimous liberal support of any candidate

    Naw. They loved McCain, long before the tumor (Praise Be Upon It).

  3. TIM

    I have guns (plural) and experience killing. I no longer move fast; but I can be mean!
    I stil shoot straight; been over 50 years since I gutted a man – but willing to give it a go

  4. I know not course others may take, but give me Hawley or give me death.

    Well, not really – don’t want to die over either one of them. McCaskill’s stolen enough and should be put out to pasture – with the other aged, bloated cows.
    America won’t recover the money she’s stolen (though we should) and the corruption will continue, but this is one corrupt-o-crat America needs to do without.

    izlamo delenda est …


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