GOP senator warns Republicans could ‘immediately’ push to impeach Biden if he won presidency – IOTW Report

GOP senator warns Republicans could ‘immediately’ push to impeach Biden if he won presidency

Wa Ex: Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst said Republicans may not waste any time trying to impeach Joe Biden if he wins the White House.

“I think this door of impeachable whatever has been opened,” Ernst told Bloomberg News on Sunday. “Joe Biden should be very careful what he’s asking for because, you know, we can have a situation where if it should ever be President Biden, that immediately, people, right the day after he would be elected would be saying, ‘Well, we’re going to impeach him.’”

Ernst, 49, said the grounds for potentially impeaching Biden, 77, would be “for being assigned to take on Ukrainian corruption yet turning a blind eye to Burisma because his son was on the board making over a million dollars a year.” read more

16 Comments on GOP senator warns Republicans could ‘immediately’ push to impeach Biden if he won presidency

  1. Why only if he wins the White House? Charge him with corruption, have a trial in the Senate, and strip him of the perks of his former office. Of course, there is the risk that a trial would expose the across the board corruption of Representatives and Senators. Can’t have that, so let’s just settle for a sound bite.

  2. Republicans, at least most of them, don’t act on thinking powered strictly by hysterical emotional motivation the way the Left does.

    So they would not be impeaching him.

  3. he should be on trial now, not after the election, not after he, God forbid, wins the presidency, but now!

    he has stolen our tax dollars and we all know it
    so what are we going to do about?

    of course we will sit behind our keyboards and wait for DJT to take of it
    that’s are only plan for draining the swamp

  4. You all can dream about the triumphs of the “rule-of-law,” but it’s pretty much DOA where our betters are concerned. “The law is for thee, not for me.” -Hillary, Joe, Paul, and Mitch et al.

  5. ““Give the GOP the House majority and we’ll do lawfare impeachments, too.””

    Not helpful at all in winning back the House, Ernst. Exactly wrong. Try this:

    “Help us win back the House, and we’ll end these lawfare impeachments.”

  6. “Turnabout is fair play.”

    “Sauce for the goose, is good for the gander.”

    “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

    “What comes around, goes around.”

    …I could go on, but that’s plenty. Stuff normal people learn in the elementary school playground is COMPLETELY too much for Democrats to understand…

  7. …anyway, it won’t work, Democrats rule the media and the court of public opinion, and Joe would just turn on ALL the politicos on BOTH sides of the aisle if it LOOKED like it was gonna work and THEN you’d see some omerta enforced, for sure…

    …you have to take down ALL of them at ONCE, or you’ll get NONE of them. Democrat and “Republican”, they’re ALL in on it, that’s how omerta WORKS.

    …The only answer is the course our forefathers took when the King got too big for his fancy britches…

    “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
    In Congress, July 4, 1776.

  8. If the only way real Justice gets done in this country is if we citizens must put guns to the heads of those we elected to represent us,
    then we should quit all the bleating bullshit about how great is this country!

    The truth is, we’ve let politicians get away with so much, for so long, that FUBAR was the only end to be expected.

    Reboot necessary.


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