GOP Senatorial Campaign Committee trolls ‘Mexico Joe’ opponent with 5-man mariachi band – IOTW Report

GOP Senatorial Campaign Committee trolls ‘Mexico Joe’ opponent with 5-man mariachi band

BPR: The National Republican Senatorial Committee took a musical jab at an incumbent Democratic senator from Indiana.

The publicity stunt involving an authentic five-man Mexican mariachi band was captured on video that the NRSC shared Wednesday after trolling incumbent Democrat Sen. Joe Donnelly at a campaign stop north of Indianapolis.

“Joe Donnelly kicked off his campaign…so we welcomed him with a special gift,” read the caption at the start of the video featuring the senator who has been dubbed, “Mexico Joe.”

Donnelly, who is seeking reelection in 2018, has been battling accusations of hypocrisy after he publicly denounced outsourcing of jobs while his family’s business privately sent jobs to Mexico, according to the Washington Examiner.  MORE

6 Comments on GOP Senatorial Campaign Committee trolls ‘Mexico Joe’ opponent with 5-man mariachi band

  1. For once the NRSC (controlled by McConnell) is spending money against Democrats instead of Conservation Republicans.

    McCONnel supports GOP RINOs, works against GOP Conservatives, obstructs the President’s and America’s Agenda.

    Dump McCONnel.

  2. MJA- There was a mariachi band at mad maxie water’s house, as her opponent kicked off his campaign. He was campaigning outside the district as he stood outside her house.

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