GOP senators looking at another chance to repeal Obamacare after McCain’s death – IOTW Report

GOP senators looking at another chance to repeal Obamacare after McCain’s death

American Thinker: Republican senators are urging Arizona governor Doug Ducey to appoint a someone to replace Senator John McCain who will be a strong ally in another effort to repeal Obamacare.

McCain, whose vote sent the last Obamacare repeal effort down to defeat, died last week.  Ducey needs to appoint a replacement to serve out the rest of McCain’s term, and Republican senators are eying another attempt at repeal of the ACA.

The Hill:

“If we re-engage in that discussion in some point in the future, it would be nice to have members who enable us to pass it,” Senate Republican Conference Chairman John Thune (S.D.) said when asked about the possibility of ObamaCare repeal legislation coming up for a future vote.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said he hopes the next senator from Arizona will be a “strong ally” who “recognizes that ObamaCare is not a proper solution.”

“It hasn’t worked, it’s created a lot of harm and damage to real people,” he added.

A senior Senate GOP aide said the chamber would “absolutely” vote again to repeal ObamaCare but cautioned it would depend on “if we keep the House.”

“McCain was personally conservative but ideologically inconsistent,” the aide said. “I think Ducey is going to pick someone more like himself. He’s a more reliable conservative.”

A repeal vote won’t happen before the election and is doubtful in the lame duck session in December.  Lawmakers are looking at 2019 as a target date for repeal legislation to come to the floor.  more here

13 Comments on GOP senators looking at another chance to repeal Obamacare after McCain’s death

  1. “…and as they gathered to sign the death warrant for Obamacare, the lights suddenly dimmed to darkness, and a glowing, skeletal hand appeared above them. Slowly, the bony digits formed a fist, and the thumb pointed downward, as it glowed even brighter. Then somebody turned the lights back on and they all signed the repeal.”

  2. And when Chuck Schumer and company begin to cry “but St McCain got off his death bed to vote against this and you can’t do that!” the retort should come loud, clear and apologetically “McCain was dying of BRAIN CANCER when he voted against the repeal; the senator that has replaced him is not suffering from BRAIN CANCER… what’s your excuse for voting against this repeal”.

  3. Hopefully future “Lying in State” will only be honored at Chuck E. Cheese’s, since all the politicians all agreed to have the same healthcare under the AHC act, just like St. McCain had, no wait, that did not happen,,,

  4. @Anon, did not know that, thanks! I by virtue worked my entire life paying into a system like yourself that is to pay for 10’s of millions that invested nothing. What I do have I also am grateful for and was at least not forced into the AHC act. I still believe Congress never followed their promise. So your saying McCain only had Medicare?

  5. Bull shiite, this is just more moral posturing. The GOPe could have already tossed it in the garbage, just like nearly every other big-government thefts from taxpayers, but they’re merely dem lite – they want to keep the power, the money, and the perks.

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