GOP senators press Delaware U.S. attorney on potential conflicts, favoritism in Hunter Biden probe – IOTW Report

GOP senators press Delaware U.S. attorney on potential conflicts, favoritism in Hunter Biden probe


GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wisc.) are asking the Justice Department to disclose what steps the agency has taken to prevent interference with the investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes and overseas business dealings.

Grassley and Johnson, the top Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, respectively, made the request Tuesday in a letter to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who is leading the investigation of Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden.

Hunter Biden acknowledged on Dec. 9, 2020 that the Justice Department was investigating his tax affairs. However, the matter has reportedly developed into a grand jury gathering evidence in a wider-ranging examination of his international business dealings.

The Grassley-Johnson letter raises concerns about any involvement of the DOJ’s Nicholas McQuaid in the Hunter Biden case.

McQuaid is now the department’s principal deputy assistant attorney general for the criminal division. Prior to being named the acting head of the criminal division on the day President Biden was inaugurated, McQuaid worked with Hunter Biden’s criminal attorney, which raises questions about whether he should be recused because of a potential conflict of interest, according to the letter. read more

11 Comments on GOP senators press Delaware U.S. attorney on potential conflicts, favoritism in Hunter Biden probe

  1. Ron Johnson, brain has more holes than baby swiss cheeze. Hunter’s laptop has way too many national security secrets to ever be released !
    But that won’t stop all the sordid stories. Laptop filled with porn & crack dealings would be closer to the truth.

  2. Prior to being named the acting head of the criminal division on the day President Biden was inaugurated, McQuaid worked with Hunter Biden’s criminal attorney,

    Bet you never saw that one coming! By design.

  3. Right out of the GOP playbook. Make it look like the GOP is trying to expose the corruption across the aisle knowing full well they can’t do a damn thing about it because the left holds all the cards.


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