American Thinker
Harry Truman was a man who was able to put principles ahead of prejudices, for he was an old-fashioned Southern racist and antisemite who integrated the military and recognized the State of Israel. The RINO wing of the Republican party appears incapable of that type of wisdom, for it seems driven less by principles than by its members’ hatred for Donald Trump. Nowhere is that more evident than in the Mike Pence wing’s opposition to Trump’s DNI nominee, Tulsi Gabbard, and his HHS nominee, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
At one level, both of those nominations are simple political payback: Gabbard and Kennedy broke with the Democrats and threw their support behind Trump when he needed it. However, Trump is not engaged in a shallow quid pro quo. Were that the case, he could have given each an ambassadorship sinecure to some cozy, untroubled country.
Instead, Trump is doing something Machiavellian and very wise: The reason that Gabbard and Kennedy jumped ship is because the Biden government persecuted them. more here
It’s not just Pence. Hiding in the background are lots of slimeballs from both parties who like those campaign checks from big medicine.
That’s what this is all about.
“Mike Pence wing’s opposition”
That sounds so strange to me. To think Pence could influence anyone in the party, considering his abysmal showing in the primaries and his scurrilous attacks against the guy who absolutely killed it in the last election. If by “wing” they mean himself and his over-inflated opinion of himself, then I guess I could agree.
Pence putting his “feelings” above what is best for the Nation.
Pence tries his best to become relevant by convincing RINOs in the House and Senate to share his Judas noose.
Where has Pence been for the 4 years of biden’s efforts to destroy America? He was Missing in Action, sitting on the political sidelines, not even a squeek. Pence was irrelevant then and remains so.
Like McCain, Pence is playing the role of Judas to lay undeniable damage upon the American Voters and our Nation.
Who will choose to share Pence’s Judas noose in 2026 and beyond?
pence-l dick working ot for pedocrat causes, again
get a job in the tx state assembly, they make a living by skng pedocrat dk
Pence is a traitor and should be treated as such.
When Pence was VPOTUS he had access to the information that Trump had, but Pence turned coward and traitor. He ushered Shitpants and four years of horrors into the WH.
As THE TRUTH about January 6, 2021 comes out, it will bury the RINOS for good, I pray. The longer these varmints toil against Trump, the more painful should be their demise.
One thing I can guarantee that “The Pence Wing”won’t ask RFKJ about is his contention that AIDS was a massive hoax, a proposition to which RFKJ devoted almost half of his book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”.
Yet no pol or journo has ever been willing to challenge RFKJ on what would seem to be a most extreme and disqualifying position. Why won’t they address this 800 pound gorilla in the room with the Rottweiler which isn’t barking?
That’s a rhetorical question which I’ve overloaded with metaphors, of course.
The reality is that every single GOP senator knows the deal. They know what garbage Pence’s group is, they know up from down.
But (and this is really just about the handful who may vote no) – their reasons for voting no, if they do, are about power and money. They know exactly why they are voting no. But they will claim that it is because a ‘respected group’ headed by Pence raised doubts about the character or ability of the nominee to carry out the administration of the office. They know that’s bogus, Pence just gives them a shield to try to hide behind.
If Carolyn Kennedy and Judas Pence both hate him, thats good enough for me.
Pence certified the 2020 election cuz he had the fax…
you know, the one that updated him on his offshore accounts.
This has nothing to do with feelings.
It’s all about money.
Big pharma money.
Anyone who opposes RFK jr is either just a dumb Democrat or paid for by big pharma
Harry Truman was a mob affiliated bag man for Tom Prendergast.
UNKNOWN Before Trump,
INVISIBLE during pRESIDENT Dr. Jill & her Turnip
We should do manned testing of nuclear missiles from now on.
First crew should be Pence, W the putz, Romney, and DICK Cheney.
And there are many others, to make crews for numerous tests.
Pence is such a useless shitbag.
@ Frank Bass
Nearly every politician has a Tom Pendergast in the shadows. Truman was certainly beholding to Tom Pendergast
Today it’s Rarely individuals, they have been replaced by the Chamber of Commerce, Big Pharma, corporations, Wall Street Fund Managers, Special interest groups, Unions and Hollyweird bundlers.
Pence has nothing I need to hear. Fug him.