GOP Senators Roy Blunt and Jerry Moran have introduced legislation which would outsource another 125,000 white-collar jobs to foreigners each year.

The outsourcing bill is being pitched as a pro-technology, pro-entrepreneurship bill even though many young and middle-aged Americans in the two Senators’ home states of Missouri and Kansas are already working with technology or as entrepreneurs.
The outsourcing bill is dubbed the “Startup Act,” and it closely models prior bills sought by the high-tech sector, where executives and investors are working to raise profits by further reducing the salaries paid to American college graduates and technology experts.
If enacted, the bill would import roughly 125,000 additional foreigners each year to take jobs sought by the 800,000 young American dreamers who graduate from colleges with technology, business, medical or scientific degrees each year.
The federal government already provides work permits or green cards to at least 600,000 foreign college graduates each year. MORE
SNIP: Moron and Clunt is more like it. The GOPe doesn’t even try to hide their dirty deeds anymore.
Voters in Missouri and Kansas, take note.
Fuck the goddamn GOP… Their intended goals are virtually indistinguishable from the democrats, i.e. both want to fuck this country in the ass and get a big goddamn payday out of it at everyone else’s expense.
Fargin iceholes.
How much did these two receive from these tech companies? Follow the money through the swamp.
It’s past time to close down Washington D.C. They don’t and probably never had American interests in mind.
Steve Bannon take note …. add to the list … 2 more ‘Rats to Primary out!
Drain it!
Economic ignoramuses. Artificially lowering the cost of labor is just as likely to result in entrepreneurial malinvestment as artificially lowering the cost of any producer resource.
Both of these dick cheeses aren’t up for reelection until 2022. They line their pockets and nobody will remember in 5 years. They’ve created the perfect crime.
Repeal the 17th Amendment. Go back to senators being appointed by the state legislatures, with the ability to recall them.
Another thing about these inexpensive foreign tech people. They often produce inferior or unusable software due to their inability to comprehend English and never put original thought into the task. They do exactly as told, rather than American workers who sometimes offer critical thinking into what users and supervisors request.
Worked for a retailer who got a bargain on reporting software that came back with “today no money make”, for instance.
My niece worked in a silicon valley biotech firm for around 15 years. She worked on one of the H1B visa’s and at that time they were desperate for help. The firm closed up but she was transferred (one of the few) to the Maryland head office. She got her Green Card and shortly after starting that firm cut staff including her. She got a helluva seperation package and just goofed around for a couple of months. She then got a call from a pal of hers she knew from the valley days telling her about a job as a Project Manager for the NIH. She sent in her resume, her buddy greased the skids and she got an interview and a job offer the same day despite never working as a Project Manager in her career. The job was never advertised (to my knowledge) and she got it through the “old girls network”. Now my niece is one of the smartest, most dedicated people I know (and I know quite a few) so I have no doubts that she’ll excell at this job. My problem is that I think she never should have gotten it in the first place or at least should have stood the interview with a few hundred other people. Believe me it pains me to say that.
Anyway, These two Senators need to be primaried and at least the hell scared out of them. America has hundreds of thousands hard working technically competent unemployed people and a few greedy CEO’s and corrupt Senators. It’s time for a street fight.
By 2022 you’ll hear all the great conservative speak again from these two. Just like clockwork.
Hey Missouri:
First get rid of that McCaskill (who can kill jobs) next year.
Then put the heat on Chamber of Commerce Blunt.
Hey Blunt: Why are you against us workers getting wage hikes? Your actions do not create more jobs so much as they squash wage increases for U.S. skilled workers.
Until voters pull their heads out of their asses we’ll keep getting these idiots. If I had a dollar for every time I heard an Okie say during the primaries they liked Lankford because he had been in D.C. and knew how it worked I’d be rich. Now I’m hearing some of these same idiots say how surprised they are he’s introduced an amnesty bill.
Same sort of idiots in Missouri and Kansas.
I’m sorry if that offends anyone but when you vote for a person because they have Washington experience and claim you want to fix the country, you’re an idiot.
‘Washington experience’. Super reason to not vote for the swamp dweller.
Yep, repeal the 17th, get the money out of the election.