GOP states restrict telehealth abortion pill distribution OK’d by FDA – IOTW Report

GOP states restrict telehealth abortion pill distribution OK’d by FDA

Wa Ex:

Most Republican-led states will limit access to abortion pills despite the move by federal regulators to lift restrictions permanently on prescribing and accessing the drugs.

The Food and Drug Administration this month updated the terms for regulating the abortion-inducing drug combination mifepristone and misoprostol, approved by the FDA in 2000 under the name Mifeprex, to say that doctors could prescribe pills through telehealth services and send them to patients in the mail. Patients will also be able to pick up the medication from their local pharmacies, increasing access for women who live far away from clinics where they would otherwise have to pick up the medication. more

6 Comments on GOP states restrict telehealth abortion pill distribution OK’d by FDA

  1. I struggle with this on some level, because as a man trying to follow Christ and also as a human being, I find abortion, the idea of infanticide for the convenience of a woman, as a way for a pimp to keep his moneymaker out there, as a means of an incestuous man to hide the rape of his daughter, to be abhorrent in the extreme.

    But I also in a way once participated in them, when I was a medic and had rape patients.

    Our SOP in the day was to never take a rape patient to a Catholic hospital, of which we had many, but to take them to General in all cases.

    So they would have access to an abortifacient in the pre-Ru486 days.

    I wasn’t a Christian then, so whatever was my attitude. Treat the patient for the trauma, keep them from wiping off evidence, deliver to the ER, turn the unit around and return to quarters. I wasn’t bog into the moral implications back then.

    But I feel like that’s something that God will bring up for my Judgement. If you remember PJ, a wonderful lady who was VERY active against abortions here and one of the best warriors for Christ ever, she PMd me a bit and we discussed it, and I believe God spoke through her but I will keep what was said in confidence confidential.

    But I never came to terms with what I would do NOW.

    Abortion is wrong.

    But should a woman have a rapists’ baby?

    If the rapist is a stranger?
    If the rapist is a brother?
    If a rapist is a father?
    If the rapist is a son?
    If the woman is a preteen girl?

    Yes, all that comes up. I wish I didn’t know that for a fact, but I do. If a pill can end a pregnancy that may or may not have taken hold immediately after conception if the mother was a totally unwilling participant who may be infected in other ways from the rape and may be too young/old/crippled/or just not mentally capable of bearing a rapist’s baby, is it still morally wrong to end it IMMEDIATELY as it begins, IF it begin at all?

    Most things tell me God would not approve.

    Yet it seems cruel and dangerous to the raped woman to have all the risks and a lifetime reminder of that rape that she will have to deal with on her own.

    I sincerely hope it’s a question I never have to deal with again.

    But somewhere, somehow, some today IS dealing with it.

    And don’t tell me about trimesters. Some pro-abortion guy made THAT stuff up in an illegal SC overreach to try to make baby murder more palatable, get the “nose under the tent” to bring us to the sacrifices to Baal we see today.

    I will NEVER support abortions for careless women who just can’t face the well known consequences of whoring around.

    But I always have stumbled over the concept of immediate termination after rape.

    And I fear I always will.

    I don’t have Plain Jane to lean on any more, and nothing said here will likely change my life or anyone else’s, but I’m just curious what others believe about this.

    I know I’ll get hate.

    But I wonder if anyone actually has any considered ideas about this…

  2. For SNS: I knew a woman who had been raped and became pregnant. She had the baby, a little girl. When the child was about three, her mom married a wonderful man who held the little girl during the wedding ceremony. He completely accepted her as his daughter. This little girl is a grown woman now. Her mom made the courageous decision to give her life, and in turn, life to her grandchildren. Yes, terrible things happen, but God is able to turn them around and create blessings out of the chaos.

  3. SNS, all:

    “You can buy levonorgestrel morning-after pills over the counter without a prescription in most drugstores, pharmacies, and superstores. These types of morning-after pills work best when you take them within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex, but you can take them up to five days after.”

    Raped women do not need prescriptions from doctors.

  4. @SNS December 24, 2021 at 11:42 am

    > But I wonder if anyone actually has any considered ideas about this…

    If we cannot kill a pædophile more than once, should we kill his brother? His father? His son? After all, his crime was abominable.

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