GOP wants Biden’s Ukraine Call Transcripts – IOTW Report

GOP wants Biden’s Ukraine Call Transcripts

Now it’s getting interesting.

WJ: GOP Flips Script, Demands Release of Biden’s Own Ukraine Call Transcripts.

The GOP has a message for Joe Biden: We’ve shown you Trump’s Ukraine transcripts, now you show us yours.

In a statement released Tuesday, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel called on the former vice president to release communications he had with leaders in Ukraine. In 2018, Biden bragged that he had threatened to withhold federal funds from Ukraine in 2014 unless the government of then-President Petro Poroshenko fired a prosecutor, according to The Epoch Times.

That prosecutor, while unquestionably corrupt and unpopular with Western powers, had been investigating Burisma, an energy company that had put Biden’s son Hunter on the board — with almost no pertinent experience — to the tune of $50,000 a month. Whether or not the investigation was still ongoing at the time of the firing was a matter of some debate.

Furthermore, McDaniel wanted him to release transcripts of his communications with leaders in China; Hunter Biden has gotten several jobs there, as well. read more

15 Comments on GOP wants Biden’s Ukraine Call Transcripts

  1. That is great but we already have the most damning recording of Biden bragging about getting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor to get their billion and he brought Obama into that and what, we still have some losers in the GOP talking about Trump being inappropriate.

  2. Your comment states that the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt and unpopular. There has been reporting to the contrary–that his unpopularity and allusions to corruption were ginned up to have him fired. According to his account, he had a spotless record. According to other accounts, apologies were made by the Obama administration for smearing his name.

  3. There are a bunch of pseudo-Constitutional conservatives who are talking about this being the Democrats & eRepublicans -vs- Trump. The simple fact of the matter is: They cannot see the forest for the trees.

    This is a political war alright, but the matchup is Democrats & eRepublicans -vs- The American People. Trump is on our side and a few Republicans in Washington DC are on our side and between us we are up against the Axis of Evil consisting of the media and eRepublican & Democrat politicians.

  4. We should have a contest to predict all the shitty standard tactics that will be pulled out of the deep state’s ass to protect Biden. Here are some obvious ones to start:

    1. This is already a closed investigation! (lie)

    2. This is old news!

    3. This violates some law or tradition we just made up right now in our heads!

    4. Trump has no legal authority to do this!

    5. Those transcripts got “corrupted” and the backups are “lost”.

    6. Joe Biden’s son wasn’t working for the energy company when the prosecution work started!!! (But after he was hired, Joe Biden ended the prosecution. That’s called a bribe.)

  5. “This is a political war alright, but the matchup is Democrats & eRepublicans -vs- The American People.” -JDHasty

    So the fraudulent, 100-year, “give ’em a choice,” two party game is over.

    It’s uncharted territory from here on because the Uniparty doesn’t want their party to die. Their only means of survival now is totalitarian government and millions have been led down the garden path to the feeding troughs.

    “The Uniparty is dead. Long live the Uniparty!”

  6. Aside from HRC 30k emails, ALL communications b/t ALL cabinet members and foreign dictators will be stored in the official obama presidential Lieberry, to be declassified in 3035.
    We’ll just have to wait til then, now saunter back behind Trump’s skirt you cowardly republicans.


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