GOP Witness Jonathan Turley To Testify that Dem Case for Impeachment is “Woefully Inadequate” – IOTW Report

GOP Witness Jonathan Turley To Testify that Dem Case for Impeachment is “Woefully Inadequate”

I’m not watching, but in commentary from several sources, I’m reading descriptions of the ‘law professors’ as fidgety, childish, loud, angry, nervous and screechy.

Dan Bongino: George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley will testify at today’s Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing that the Democrats’ efforts are “woefully inadequate” and “dangerous” according to Fox News.

Turley is the only GOP witness to testify at today’s impeachment hearing, and in his opening statement he makes it clear that he is “not a Trump supporter,” but disagrees that there is a legal basis for impeachment.

In fact, Turley notes, he previously voted for President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

“One can oppose President Trump’s policies or actions but still conclude that the current legal case for impeachment is not just woefully inadequate, but in some respects, dangerous, as the basis for the impeachment of an American president,” Turley writes in his opening remarks.

“The reference to the Hunter Biden deal with Burisma should never have occurred and is worthy of the criticism of President Trump that it has unleashed. However, it is not a case of bribery,” Turley states.

He says that if Trump believed there was corruption with Hunter Biden which was not investigated properly, “the request for an investigation is not corrupt, notwithstanding its inappropriateness.”

“In my view, there is no case law that would support a claim of corrupt intent in such comments to support a bribery charge,” Turley writes. read more

SNIP: I’m not watching it, but if you want, here is the link.
This tweet sums it up:

h/t Troublemaker10 

10 Comments on GOP Witness Jonathan Turley To Testify that Dem Case for Impeachment is “Woefully Inadequate”

  1. It’s the American people the democrats are mad at. This is all for our consumption. We didn’t vote for their horrible corrupt candidate so they’re going to get in our face to teach us a lesson. Now they’re losing even more supporters.

  2. Is anyone watching? I’m hearing it’s a shiff show. LOL!
    Turley is the only adult in the witness box. I think that’s because he actually read the documents they are being asked about and thinks the whole thing is bullshit.

  3. It had been a long, long day, and John the truck driver really wanted to just get home.
    Living in Washington D.C. he knew traffic would be bad this time of evening, but to his horror, a traffic jam reared ahead of him larger than anything he had ever seen before.

    Bewildered, since he hadn’t heard anything yet on the news, he stuck his head out and just kept seeing cars slowing down, stopping for a few moments, and then driving off.

    Suddenly, a man knocks on his window. John rolls down the window and asks, “What’s going on?”

    The man says, “Terrorists have kidnapped the entire US Congress!”

    “Oh my gosh!” exclaimed John.

    “And they’re asking for a $100 million ransom.”

    “Jeez Louise!” moaned John

    “Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire!”

    “Lord have mercy!” cried John.

    “We are going from car to car, collecting donations.”

    “How much is everyone giving, on average?” asked John.

    “About a gallon, maybe two. Depending on what you can afford.”


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