GOPe Prepare To Force Rep. Paul Ryan Upon House of Representatives – IOTW Report

GOPe Prepare To Force Rep. Paul Ryan Upon House of Representatives

TheLastRefuge: As if on cue the Salem Media machine starts singing the praises of Representative Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House.   ~ GOOD TIME TO REMEMBER THIS ~

hugh hewit ryan

No-one needed any further evidence of how insufferably corrupt the progressive republican party has become; however, today is a brutal reminder of just how much the GOPe absolutely despise the base of their own party.  more here

13 Comments on GOPe Prepare To Force Rep. Paul Ryan Upon House of Representatives

  1. And if the Freedom Caucus holds the line, then you’re going to need Dims to make it so—like that would be any different than what exists now with the Orange Boner.

    GOPe forgets that despite all the money the C of C lavishes their way, at the end of the day it’s our votes they’re insulting away by the car load–

  2. boehner, pelosi, mccarthy, romney, reid, mcCONnell, bush, paul, rubio, hoyer and ryan are a stark reminder that the left wing and the progressive right wing are from the same dirty bird.

  3. That’s typical. Another slip sliding, complicit, muddy thinking, cowardly lion for speaker. Lord help us if they actually GROW UP, and act like the persons we elected instead of the self-serving, complicit, take-the-money-and-run bastards that they are!

    It is like watching Planet of the Apes, to see congress in action. And their corruption is whooshing is into the world of ELYSIUM! World Order; what like Europe?

  4. Not me-fuck Hugh Hewitt-he’s a POS-he thinks if you haven’t read The Looming Tower or know the names of every yaba-duba-do terrorist you’re hopelessly naive.

    For years on his radio show-yes I admit I listened-he had Candy Crowley, EJ Dionne, Matthew Iglesias, no really he did, and a bevy of other far left whack-os that would sound oh so rational only to read an EJ column the next day e.g. excoriating Bush for war crimes or some such bullshit. He would never call them on it. EVER.

    He, the CofC and the Rovians are worse then REgressives. All they care about is retaining power-the lives of ordinary pee-ons aren’t worth squat to them. It’s sickening to realize that for the most part, we have little representation in DC.

    A House lead for “decades” as the shit stain puts it, by Paul Ryan would usher in the end for sure. Decades? Ha! At the GOPe rate, TSGTHF pretty damn soon.

  5. I liked Ryan until he started lying about “reducing the debt” when what he meant was “reducing the growth of the debt” – not the same thing.
    One ends in catastrophic financial meltdown, and the other ends in … well … catastrophic financial meltdown – a couple of years later.

  6. 3 days ago Hewitt said McCarthy was a lock for speaker. Oops.

    Hewitt also said Walker would rise to the top after his wonderful debate performance. Next day Walker quit. NEXT FUCKING DAY.

    Hewitt is blind.

  7. I know the guy is likely laser straight but Ryan allowing himself to pose for those quasi-queer beefcake workout photos tells me everything I will ever need to know about his true qualities. Vain, arrogant, shallow, you add to the list as you see fit.

  8. Hewitt’s smile gives me the creeps.
    The day Romney picked Paul Ryan (who???) instead of attack dog Marco Rubio as a running mate I said “Romney just lost the election.” True story. Romney didn’t even win Ryan’s home state of Wisconsin. (But I guess Romney lost Massachusetts. too.)

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