Gordon Sondland Fired – IOTW Report

Gordon Sondland Fired

โ€œI was advised today that the President intends to recall me effective immediately as United States Ambassador to the European Union.โ€ MORE

25 Comments on Gordon Sondland Fired

  1. So much winning, I think only sleep will wipe the smile off my face. Well, unless I have a really good dream tonight. Something like seeing Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Clinton (both of them) and Obama frog marched to Gitmo!

  2. Why were these demmies in their positions to begin with?

    You’re doing great DJT, but it has been over three years, pick up the pace of getting these pieces of shit out of government.

    RR fired an entire workforce that wanted to strike. You can do it, we have your back.

  3. A giant sucking sound is beginning to reverberate across the swamp. Rats are looking over their shoulders. Phase one.

    Wait until the indictments and loss of Lavish government Pensions begin. Phase two.

    This is lip smackingly delicious.

  4. Just have HR print a list of everyone that Obama appointed and fired all who are still there – and undo the burrowed ones too
    If something like the Iran nuclear deal can be unwound then a civil service position created by pen stroke can also be reverted to appointment

  5. Anyone remember the twins (brothers?) who worked the teletype room in the film “Good Morning Viet Nam”? That’s who the Vindman bros remind me of. Makes me laugh. They were so serious making sure nothing sensitive or anti-war made its way into Kronauer’s hands.

  6. Sondland was the only one caught speaking the truth.

    I wonder if he, himself, didn’t insist on this seeing as he was under constant attack by the forces of nihilistic totalitarianism – and they were impeding his hotel business.

    Why President Trump would fire the only honest guy is a mystery.

    izlamo delenda est …

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