Gore’s new health warning: ‘Every organ system can be affected by climate change’ – IOTW Report

Gore’s new health warning: ‘Every organ system can be affected by climate change’

CFP: In Al Gore’s new book, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”, the former Vice President features a professor of pediatrics warning that global warming is impacting our health.


“Every organ system can be affected by climate change. When I say that, I get goosebumps,” says Pediatrician Susan Pacheco, a professor of pediatrics at University of Texas McGovern Medical School, in Gore’s new book.  read more

27 Comments on Gore’s new health warning: ‘Every organ system can be affected by climate change’

  1. ‘Can’ affect your health – have you seen the bad habits and extra weight the majority of Americans carry that are far more likely to kill them way before any unidentifiable climate change affects?! Obesity due to global warming because no one has any personal responsibility.

  2. Looks like Algore’s backing a square one out.

    “Susan Pacheco” huh? Figures. So by that logic if a child were to be moved from Alaska to say Phoenix, that would most likely kill the kid.

  3. AL Gore as Elmer Gantry in The 1st Church of Globull Warming and other lies and deceptions. Strain any harder pal and you’re liable to pop a vein and keel over from a massive coronary. And this idiot could’ve been President, we’re lucky Bush won.

  4. I can just imagine the extreme damage done to a body conditioned to a Central American or a middle easterner climate when moved to our northern area.
    Immigration will cause millions to die with women and children hit hardest.

  5. Like I said earlier, the cinema ran a preview to Gore’s new crock and the audience was laughing and making cat calls. At the end some guy hollered out “FAKE NEWS!!” and the crowd roared with approval.

  6. 💢 EVERY ORGAN 💢, wow, how can we ignore that? Let me add that to the redicu-list.

    Things affected by Global Warming: (hint: everything you like)

    *Ancient Mummies Turn into ‘Black Ooze’ Because of Climate Change
    *Does the marathon hasten climate change?
    *Another danger of climate change: Giant flying boulders?
    *Joe Biden blames global warming for forest fires
    *Car crashes contribute to climate change
    *CBS blames global warming for bad winter
    *Congresswoman Claims Climate Change Will Turn Women Into Prostitutes
    *Claim: Climate Change will Stop Women from Wanting Sex
    *Global warming helped create ISIS
    *Climate change caused Paris attacks
    *Climate change kills the mood
    *African campaigners demand compensation for effects of global warming
    *Global warming might be causing dogs to become depressed, say pet behaviourists
    *Global Warming may Bring More Ferguson Violence
    *IPCC Author 25 Years Of Climate Policies Made Us Poorer
    *German Chancellor Merkel We must hit climate target to avoid refugee waves
    *Mystery of the dust storms sweeping the world caused by global warming
    *Obama To Claim Climate Change Is Risk To Our Health
    *President Obama Blames Climate Change for Lung Problems
    *Scientists to ‘fast-track’ evidence linking global warming to wild weather
    *The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change
    *Venezuela Rations Electricity, Blames Climate Change
    *Wesley Clark Climate Change ‘Behind a Lot of the Violence in Syria’
    *U.S. Professor Blame Climate Change for Islamic State
    *Gassy Cows Are Warming The Planet, And They’re Here To Stay
    *Climate change already causing extreme weather, disappearing islands and less productive workdays, say experts
    *NYT Warns Of Global Warming Floods Of Biblical Proportions
    *Rising temperatures due to #climatechange are exposing bacteria & disease threats we thought were gone forever (Chelsea Clinton)
    *Climate change will make UK weather too wet and too dry, says Met Office
    *Global Warming causing shark attacks
    *Professor Islamophobia Accelerates Global Warming
    *Experts say climate change could result in higher coffee prices
    *Climate Change will make to cost of cereal go up
    *Buy less pet toys, and own smaller dogs for Climate Change
    *The Guardian tries to claim global warming sank the Titanic
    *Behind the rise of Boko Haram – ecological disaster
    *Salamanders shrinking due to climate change
    *Snakes the size of school buses? Horses the size of house cats? It happened before and could happen again
    *Climate change a likely culprit in coqui frog’s altered calls, say UCLA biologists
    *Expert Ian Stirling’s polar bear “died of climate change”
    *Climate Change And Turbulence Link? Warmer Air Could Mean A Bumpier Airplane Ride
    *Climate change worsening all aspects of life in Asia, says IPCC
    *Climate change pushes Montana sparrow north into Canada
    *Climbing Mt. Everest will be harder due to Climate Change
    *World’s top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought

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