Gorka describes missile attack as limited ‘surgical strike,’ not prelude to greater entanglement – IOTW Report

Gorka describes missile attack as limited ‘surgical strike,’ not prelude to greater entanglement

LifeZette: President Donald Trump’s order to launch cruise missiles at a Syrian air base does not represent a shift in Middle East strategy or his larger foreign-policy views, an administration aide said Friday.

Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to the president, said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that Thursday’s attack was a “surgical strike” with a limited and specific objective. He said it is consistent with Trump’s “America First” agenda.

“That’s why the president did what he did,” he said. “In geopolitics and geo-strategy, the moral imperative and the national-security imperative can overlap, and in this case, they absolutely do.”

Gorka also dismissed suggestions that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad may not have been responsible for the chemical weapons attack that sparked the U.S. military response.

“We have the certitude for that,” he said.  MORE

11 Comments on Gorka describes missile attack as limited ‘surgical strike,’ not prelude to greater entanglement

  1. The ART of WAR: Weaknesses and Strengths (Chinese: 虛實,虚实) explains how an army’s opportunities come from the openings in the environment caused by the relative weakness of the enemy and how to respond to changes in the fluid battlefield over a given area.

    Your adversary respects strength and takes advantage of weakness: AKA Obama foreign policy.

  2. At lunch on Friday, the the normal loud mouthed liberals started talking about this. I let them talk about one minute then said, “Well, it’s about time Obama’s bluff was called and answered”. **Silence**

    Then one brave man said, “What do you mean Obama?”

    Me: “Obama told Syria that if they crossed his red line by using chemical weapons, he was going to respond with military action.”


    Them: “Hey, what about those Twins!”

  3. Well this is reassuring because ‘surgical strikes’ always work so well! as have all of our incursions into the Middle East! Why don’t we bomb Iran next week with a few ‘surgical’ strikes? That’ll show ’em. I’ll bet that wil work as well as our fabulously successful liberation of Iraq! Oh, the wall? Well geez we can’t afford that (but 59 tomahawk missiles, no problemo!). obamacare? Immigration? Oh well now we have to bring in some Syrian refugees. I thought Trump said he was going to keep us out of this stuff and focus on America. I am not a peacenik but hard to see the vital American interests here and that part of the world is not black-white, we don’t understand it, but we always have a handful of Sebastian Gorkas and Richard Perles and Paul Wolfowitz who got it all figured out. Oh by the way he needs to get his daughter and his son-in-law out of the White House now. OK flame away but i don’t get this, it feels very neoconny and everyone from John bolton to fareed zakaria is wetting themselves in ecstasy.

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