Gorka Schools MSNBC. Again. – IOTW Report

Gorka Schools MSNBC. Again.

β€œWe will call it β€˜radical Islamic terrorism. We will target the ideology, and we will call them out for being evil.”

20 Comments on Gorka Schools MSNBC. Again.

  1. Get a look at those smug looking dweebs glaring at him with utter contempt. That’s exactly how we view you. You don’t impress anyone but your little following, and they’re demented.

  2. “Global War on Terror” was a stupid name. Obama changing it to “Overseas Contingency Operation” was just pathetic. Thank you, Mr. Gorka, keeping your eye on the ball.

  3. You can’t teach those who choose not to listen or learn.
    They are playing to their moron base.

    The lesson should be driven home by NOT watching msNBC, CNN and the other propaganda pushing alphabet soup networks.

  4. Amazing. The ‘reporters’ are too stupid to know they’ve been exposed by truth. Mr. Gorman doesn’t raise his voice, roll his eyes or stutter, how the heck are mindless MSM robots supposed to know how to react?

    They keep punching, even when the sand has spilled from their sieve of talking points. Dumb and Stupid Show.

  5. “Would you please allow me to answer the question with interrupting me.”
    Home run. Bless you Dr. Gorka.
    These ‘reporters’ are beyond repair. They are steeped in anti-Americanism. Phuckem!

  6. The Nazis? Were they simply “misguided”, “misunderstood”? These leftist FOOLS are insane.

    We need to wipe Islamic Fundamentalism and its adherents off of the map. Terminate, with extreme prejudice.

  7. To be accurate, It is not really to brains against one. It is more like putting too rarely driven model T’s on a race track against the 700 hp Formula One. These poor imbeciles did not stand a chance from the first moment Dr. Gorka came on camera.


    She is trying so hard to sneak in negativity at everything he says.

    1. We can’t cure cancer. –We still treat the disease, we don’t ignore it.

    2. Cancer IS treatable in many cases including removal, drugs, and chemotherapy.


    Shall we just ignore radical islamic terror and hope it goes away like Paris is doing?

  9. Note how the woman anchor leans in toward the man anchor when he talks. That’s because she wishes she could hide and because she doesn’t have anything worthwhile to say — and what comes out of his mouth is to be considered as coming out of hers, too. “Yeah, what he says.” It’s like two against one, and still Gorka blows them away.

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