Got That Feeling – IOTW Report

Got That Feeling

h/t Doc.

13 Comments on Got That Feeling

  1. LOL! MJA, I thought you were going to post something about feeling like you’ve had a house fall on you! It sorta feels like that now.

    Might as well dump this here: It’s the small hours of the morning and I just woke from an odd dream.

    Standing outside (my house?) watching the clouds accumulate off in the distance. Rather suddenly a large cloud formation formed into a perfectly round, perfectly white ball in the sky. Lightning could be seen at intervals inside the cloud ball. Then the cloud ball moved quickly out of sight behind some foothills in a valley, but I could see the reflected light from the lightning within it as it lit the sky and surrounding hills. Then, above, the planets, one by one passed by overhead, very near the earth; so near I could see the details of them. They nearly filled the night sky, they were so close to earth. After the planets made their sweep past the earth, a white “tube” of light came from the sky and touched down on the earth. There were traffic jams as people tried to drive to where the light tube had come down.

    Then I woke up. I either had a rapture dream or I need to lay off the late night snacks. I must admit, I’ve been thinking about the end of days, tribulation, and the rest a lot this year.

  2. Abigail, I hope the dream was as beautiful as it sounds rather than disturbing. Your late night snack choices must range far beyond Bing’s, “Ham and Rye for tall blonds. Turkey for a brunette.” in White Christmas.

  3. Cherrybark – haha! Yes, I felt fearless awe at the passing planets. Saturn was so colorful and the rings weren’t solid rings, but circling space rocks and other round, orbiting objects. It was as though I was not experiencing the confines of earth’s orbit, but out in space with the planets. And, yes, I was also filled with excitement and cautious hope that Jesus had come.

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