Gov. Abbott Meets With Mexican Officials Over Border Crisis – IOTW Report

Gov. Abbott Meets With Mexican Officials Over Border Crisis

FULL VIDEO: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott meets with Nuevo Leon Gov. Garcia to sign a historic border agreement on 4/13/22.

8 Comments on Gov. Abbott Meets With Mexican Officials Over Border Crisis

  1. What surprises me most is that almost every free country in the world is hip to what has transpired with Trump and the questionable 2020 election. They have voting too.

    When I visited some of these countries (including once-beautiful Kiev, Germany and still post-NAZI, war-remorse Moscow), they were surprised when they found out I was an American (it may have been because my Dad served with the Pacific Fleet as a squadron leader…just don’t know).

    Some saluted me when boarding the plane (in Kiev). Others arranged a two older-women, full-time, security escort (with male backup – in Moscow) during my entire stay lasting over a segmented five weeks from 1996 through 1999.

    There were always gathering crowds accumulating everywhere I walked through their streets in front of Moscow’s Capital, and began walking with me until a large crowd gathered before entering Hotel Rossia.

    Folks! I am nobody special. Yet, this was the courtesy they gave me (including dining and my rooms).

  2. I don’t think any of that “agreement” is legal
    or binding ??? State officials cannot enter into
    “agreements” with foreign cvountries.

  3. “State officials cannot enter into
    “agreements” with foreign cvountries.”

    Pretty sure they do all the time. Trade agreements happen every day.

    Look at everything Cali has done on it’s own with China.

  4. I KNOW the Constitution forbids any citizen except the President (w/ Congress approval) to enter into treaties with other nations. My question: Is there a legal difference between a treaty and an agreement, contract, etc.?


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