Gov. Bill Lee to propose putting armed guards at every Tennessee school – IOTW Report

Gov. Bill Lee to propose putting armed guards at every Tennessee school

JTN: Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee plans this week to propose placing armed guards at every school in his state, and he indicated that he is open to some gun reform measures in the wake of the shooting at a private Christian school in Nashville that left six dead. 

While it still needs legislative approval, Lee’s plan would expand a proposal to station armed guards at all public schools in Tennessee and give grant funding to allow private schools to also hire armed guards, The Tennessean reported Friday. The state cannot require private schools to hire armed guards, but it can require the guards hired by private schools to have the same level of training as those in public schools. more

12 Comments on Gov. Bill Lee to propose putting armed guards at every Tennessee school

  1. As I recall, school hardening was put to a vote a couple of years ago and every, single democRAT in lock-step with Nancy Pelosi voted AGAINST it! They WANT this shit to happen and keep happening so that they can push their Leftist agenda to outlaw guns!!!

  2. My daughter in Nashville tells me that they got an E Mail over the weekend from my granddaughter’s private parochial school that that they are going to let certain teachers and other staff members carry guns in the future after this shooting in another Christian school in Nashville last week.

  3. @ At Badco
    Yes, you are correct. And while the left blames guns, the left doesn’t give any solutions to the “problem”. Banning guns is not going to solve gun crime.
    I won’t preach to the choir as to what needs to be done.
    Keep yer powder dry.
    And remember the first rule of Gun Safety,
    (and I’m coining a phrase from someone what else on the webbs stated. So, whomever said that!Right on.) Anyway,
    First Rule:
    Never let the government take your guns from you.

  4. Democrat communists with their sights set on destroying our once great nation think the problem is guns. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can thereby conclude, without knowing anything else, the solution is more guns.

  5. Other than the occasional wackjob tranny coming back to a school she attended, how many of these shootings have happened at non-government monopoly day prisons? How about revising the state constitution and ABOLISHING ALL government run schools and ALL government involvement in “education” including the THEFT of monies from the rest of society to pay for the “education” of some? Government schools are the problem. They have ALWAYS been the problem. Stop trying to turn them into overtly obvious prisons with guards, metal detectors, etc. and realize that they ALREADY ARE prisons, with all of the same problems – rampant drugs, violence, sexual assaults, etc. Just ABOLISH THEM and finally demand that parents be responsible for their own children for a change?? And I’m fine with charity schools, private scholarships, business-sponsored schools, etc. Just get the government 100% OUT.


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