Gov. Bobby Jindal Self-Destructs! – IOTW Report

Gov. Bobby Jindal Self-Destructs!


The Right Scoop –

Jindal was speaking at the National Press Club today and completely eviscerated Donald Trump. He started out by saying that he likes the idea of Trump calling out the establishment and that his diagnosis on Washington DC is correct. He finds the Trump show very entertaining and says he even laughed when he gave out Lindsey Graham’s phone number. But while his diagnosis is good, Jindal says Trump’s prescription of himself is not what America needs.

But then he lit into Trump, calling him a narcissist who only cares about ‘Trump’ and says the only reason he likes Kanye West is because West likes Trump. Jindal notes that like all narcissists, Trump is really weak and insecure and afraid of being exposed.

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32 Comments on Gov. Bobby Jindal Self-Destructs!

  1. I love The Right Scoop, but this is exactly what I was talking about.
    Jindal attacks Trump personally, not his ideas, and people are happy about it.

    I’d much rather Jindal say, “Trump is exactly on point with everything he is saying and I’m saying it too. The choice here is about who has more experience in governance. I do. I’m your man.”

    No. it’s “Trump is a jerk, vote for me, and hopefully you won’t notice that I’m not as tough on illegal immigration as he is. Nor am I going to rebalance our trade deficits, strengthen our military to cold-war levels and thumb my nose at political correctness.”

  2. lets say he’s as narcissistic as 0bama, but only wants what’s best for the country and intends to make changes that improve the economy, the defense and reduce the debt.




  3. I have to agree with most of what Jindal said. I like Trump, and would vote for him if he is the nominee, but he is an egotistical narcissist, and I think even Trump knows it about himself, and that is part of why he wins. Jindal is just hitting back at Trump the way Trump hits others. This is a good way to vet Trump. Trump can only destroy himself, and Jindal is taunting him. Let’s see how Trump responds. I fear that one of these days, and soon, Trump is going to go ballistic and really hurt himself and his chances. I hope I am wrong, but time will tell.

  4. GOPe sent Jindal out to see if the smack talk would stick – I watched for a couple minutes, he was reading from prepared notes,
    wonder who wrote them for him – unlike Trump who can speak extemporaneously

  5. I also agree with something Kris Ann Hall said yesterday, maybe 4 or 8 more years of a Democratic administration will make things so bad that enough people will finally wake up and then some positive changes will happen. I hope she’s wrong but I don’t think she is.

  6. Jindal’s words reflect moreso on his own weakness (in polling/popularity) than on Trump. And…I LIKE JINDAL! I hope that, whenever he DOES exit, it’s more graceful than this. Sad.

  7. Obama IS your narcissist. Obama is also an IDIOT–proven by the ideologies he holds dearest (and the things he’s chosen to do while holding the most powerful post on the planet).

    Many claim Trump is a narcissist. Few believe he is an idiot. Never forget when Reagan stated that he could not imagine a President who is NOT an actor. Trump is skilled for primetime.

    Trump seeks to be President and needs support from the majority of Americans. Wouldn’t most agree that at least a plurality of Americans are absolute idiots ?! The weak-minded usually seek out STRONG leadership, not wise leadership, not good leadership, just power. Trump is projecting strength, by design, not by insecure personality flaw.

    Leave Trump to his campaign (there’s a long year to go) and scrutinize instead all the jackasses presently in Office collecting fine salaries while they destroy the nation.

  8. Don’t listen to Beck. If he’d kept his mouth shut, Newt would be president now and we’d see 94 million people working, no trillion dollar stimulus each year as part of the budget, and no debt problems like today. Social security would be better off too.

  9. Jindal is right on the money about Trump. If you want, read the entire transcript of his speech, not just selected controversial sound-bites.–gov-jindal-speech/71999792/

    At heart, Trump is a deal-maker and the art of the deal is what drives him. He is always looking to see how it benefits him, whether financially or in political clout/influence. He admitted to giving scads of $$ to Dems, in order to gain access/influence. He gave donations to Hillary, just so she would attend his wedding.
    Why would he ‘buy’ someone’s presence at his own wedding? The only thing that comes to mind is to grease the wheels of local politics/eliminate obstacles, so financial/real estate deals go his way.

    Why does Trump continually need to insult his adversaries… whether Rosie O’Donnell, John McCain, Ben Carson, Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina, etc. Whether you like them or not, this behavior is beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency. The person holding that office doesn’t just represent himself; he represents all of us.

    Maybe he is fit to run his own empire, however he is unfit to be our President.

  10. “… beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency.”

    After 7 years of a drug-addled, homosexual, moslem, marxist usurper, I see NO dignity in the Office of the Presidency.


    (Or in any of the offices of any other FedGov officialdom, either – including the SCROTUS)

  11. Let’s not forget the “splitter strategy”, and the idea that candidates who never were or will be viable candidates, or are previous fame-outs, accept money from sources in the political stratosphere to diminish other candidates in order to to eventually grow The Shrub to a size where he ends up stumbling over the line to the nomination despite no one in (the 40+ of GOP voters) conservatism liking him.

    I have no problem with the idea that Bobby (alas, poor Bobby, we never knew thee!) could take money to attack Trump while elevating himself, or at least him being convinced, and believing that is what he is doing.

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