Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) Seeking $750,000 in Taxpayer Money to Pay Rent for Homeless – IOTW Report

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) Seeking $750,000 in Taxpayer Money to Pay Rent for Homeless

Breitbart: Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Wednesday that he is seeking $750,000 in a fund that includes taxpayer money to pay rent for the homeless.

The Associated Press reported that Newsom planned to create the fund via executive order on Wednesday, two days before he introduces his second annual budget proposal to the California state legislature.

The fund would be comprised of state taxpayer money, along with philanthropic donations and money brought in from the private sector.

The money collected in the fund would pay for rent, affordable housing units, or for care homes.

Newsom said the state would measure local governments’ success in getting the homeless off the streets as a barometer for doling out state assistance. more here

16 Comments on Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) Seeking $750,000 in Taxpayer Money to Pay Rent for Homeless

  1. The homeless do not pay rent, affordable housing relies on the landlord to pay their rent, and care homes have either the family or state pay rent. You are raising taxies on which? Because ALL go to the good taxpayer when neither pays. And you are raising the rent on the good taxpayer, you fool!

  2. How much longer can those that are productive in that state hold on? At this point you have to wonder if the state is even retrievable. A beautiful state just destroyed by know-it-all idiots

  3. Follow the money.
    Newsom doesn’t GAF about the bums and hobos – he’s got a plan to steal from the taxpayers and grift to his friends, cronies, and ass-suckers.
    AND that’s exactly what he’ll do.

    Nary a single bum will benefit from this – and the State will be demonstrably worse off – but some group will profit $750 Million.
    (and the Media will cry about “unintended consequences”)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Hey come on folks there is plenty of tax money available just ask the politicians! Who knows more about tax availability them or you! Trust them they are from the government!


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