Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California – IOTW Report

Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

Breitbart: Beginning January 1, 2024, illegal aliens residing in California will become eligible for taxpayer-funded health insurance — the first state in the nation to enact such a policy.

In June of this year, Newsom touted the budget agreement that will make California the first state in the United States to offer health insurance, subsidized by taxpayers, to the state’s estimated 4.4 million illegal aliens so long as they are low-income.

Starting in the new year, illegal aliens in California will qualify for Medi-Cal, which is California’s state-funded version of the federal government’s Medicaid program. Since 2015, only illegal alien children qualified for Medi-Cal thanks to then-Gov. Jerry Brown (D).

Likewise, Newsom expanded eligibility for Medi-Cal to illegal aliens 50 years and older as well as those aged 19 to 25. This latest expansion is set to add about 764,000 Medi-Cal recipients to the state’s health insurance rolls.

Elected Republicans in California have warned that expanding taxpayer-funded health insurance to illegal aliens “will certainly exacerbate current provider access problems” as Medi-Cal “is already strained by serving 14.6 million Californians — more than a third of the state’s population.” more

15 Comments on Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

  1. Hahahahaha – breath – Hahahaha
    Oh man are we a bunch of losers. The place is going down in flames and we have legitimate traitors in charge, a cuck military force, foreign agents in our police departments, gay people are now the dominant religion, now Cali is going to offer free medical to the entire world and the best we can do is get mad and punch some keys until the “blue hats” knock on our doors to round us up… man, we deserve whatever we get.
    Let’s just “pray” that the anointed Orange One can save us. Help us Don Kenobi, your our only hope.

  2. “What will be “the last straw?”

    We’re starting to see “the next to the last straws.” Every person will have their own “last straw.” While often seeming precipitous and imminent, the whole process will take years.

  3. How can Cal tax payers provide this when there are more tax payers leaving the state than new ones arriving? The governor must be using narcotics math or someone has blown his pilot light out.

  4. Stu – Put posters up all over the COUNTRY advertising the life in California! Add free housing, food, electric cars, electricity, day care, Internet, phones, cable TV, drugs and booze – but ONLY in the cities of San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego.

    Attract tens of millions! Utopia!

    New to America? Come one! Come ALL!!

    Nuke from orbit.

    (Keep 5 and 99 and valley farmland open for agricultural commerce. So, there’s a little fallout. Big deal. Gotta break some eggs… Nah, I’m only kidding. Skip all the steps except nuking Sacramento with the gov and legislature in session.)

  5. California is gone, done. Newscum has worked very hard destroying every part of living in this state. I hope people realize that what starts in Crazyland California”” will be coming to your state.

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