Gov. Glenn Youngkin: Virginia ‘Will Not Adhere’ After CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Vote – IOTW Report

Gov. Glenn Youngkin: Virginia ‘Will Not Adhere’ After CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Vote

Epoch Times: Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said the decision to give COVID-19 vaccines to children should be the responsibility of parents, not schools.

The Republican governor was responding to a Thursday vote by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory panel to recommend the CDC add COVID-19 vaccines to children’s immunization schedules.

“COVID-19 mandates should be in our rearview mirror,” Youngkin wrote late on Thursday. “The decision to vaccinate a child against COVID-19 is for Virginia parents to make about what’s best for them and their family. We will not adhere to these @CDCgov mandates.” “In Virginia, parents matter,” he added.

7 Comments on Gov. Glenn Youngkin: Virginia ‘Will Not Adhere’ After CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Vote

  1. They never did post my comment.

    Nor any other of the thosands they received after the 17th.

    But those they DID post were pretty univerally opposed, many by doctors and nurses and medical professionals, often buttressed by multiple studies.

    One of my favorites was a nurse coining a new word.

    She defined giving children the FakeVaxx as “Iatrogenicide”

    [ ahy-a-truh-jen-ik, ee-a- ]

    (of a medical disorder) caused by the diagnosis, manner, or treatment of a physician.”

    [ jen-uh-sahyd ]

    the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.”

    …She’s absolutely RIGHT.

    This IS physician caused disabilty and death done deliberately and systematically to exterminate a troublesome and unwanted (by them) population.

    That’s why the REPLACEMENT population streaming unchecked across our borders is not jabbed.

    Its US they want rid of.

    Children first, if necessary.


    Remember that word.

    Because that’s ALL this is.

  2. Westerners don’t realize how good they have it in the modern world: clean water, clean food, clean air… A society that never seems to suffer from epidemic diseases may start thinking that a federal organization for controlling such diseases is unnecessary. The CDC won’t allow that. Every bureaucracy knows that in order for the bureaucracy to survive it must never be so good at solving problems that it successfully puts itself out of business. For the CDC, disease is their business, and they will make certain that business is good.

  3. Good, I’m glad that governors are standing up and making parents aware of their intentions. In communist IL it will for sure be enforced. My 15 yr old is easy, homeschool or move. But my 18 yr old that just started college in IL for specific reasons of there being a fantastic automotive technology center at SIU, what’s he going to do? Quit after year 1 and blowing $25k on tuition/room/board/tools/travel? For fuck sake. I assume this is going to be enforced in higher education as well… maybe I’m wrong, someone please tell me I’m wrong, this is too damn expensive.

  4. …here’s her full comment to the FDA I referred to above, it says it well…

    “Parents MUST NOT BE forced to inject their children with a dangerous, experiential drug.
    Facts: other countries have halted the shots due to dangerous results in children.
    Children are NOT in danger from Covid.
    Studies are proving the shots are killing those aged 18-39.

    The public knows these things and more even though you keep lying about it. They are NOT safe and effective.

    God help you if you proceed with this iatrogenocide.”

  5. This is all well and good that VA won’t enforce the mandate. What about private schools and Pre-K’s? Are they free to decide if they want to require the shot for students? Of course they do so at their own risk.

    My office deals with pre-school parents every day. i honestly do not know how requiring the shot for pre-k kids would play out. My guess is most families would be in favor of it because most of them have been brainwashed into believing the shots actually help themselves and their children.

    i will be dying soon but i weep for my unborn grandchildren and the world they will be brought in to.


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