Gov. Jerry Brown Prepares For International Climate Summit – IOTW Report

Gov. Jerry Brown Prepares For International Climate Summit


California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown is hosting an international climate meeting that will showcase his climate change-fighting chops, but environmental activists still plan to protest the outgoing governor.

The Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco — which will begin Wednesday and end Friday — will be Brown’s last major environmental summit before he vacates office. With around 4,500 delegates from around the world expected to attend, the term-limited governor seems to be using the international event as a means to cement his climate change legacy.

“We’re running out of time. There’s been some backsliding since Paris, and our Summit … aims to increase the commitments that have already been made in Paris, to make them even greater, and thereby build the momentum going into the conference of the parties at Poland,” Brown said in a statement, making a reference to the summit’s calls to follow through on the targets set out in the Paris climate accord.

Brown has continually strived to place California on the forefront of the climate change debate. He signed legislation in 2015 that mandates the state obtain 50 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030. As recently as Saturday, he signed a bill effectively prohibiting offshore oil drilling on the state’s coast. There is rampant speculation that the governor will use the Global Climate Action Summit as an opportunity to sign a bill that would mandate California go completely carbon-free by 2050. more here

10 Comments on Gov. Jerry Brown Prepares For International Climate Summit

  1. I don’t have time to read about his horseshit, screw that piece of shit.
    Vote down everything he stands for and put what’s left of him in prison for his total disregard towards mankind.

  2. Tex’n 4 evr: What if I said I hoped the Hurricane killed all of the Carolinan’s because so many of them are F’ing loser Hodads from other States.
    And Please remember Middle America, we are forced to deal with your Gay and Lesbo kid’s plus the Idiot Son’s you’ve kicked out.

  3. When the Media is righted, California will once again be able to defend it’s Borderand get the common sense we’ve always had. We are still Conservative in California, but the Media will not accept that.

    “flying 1000’s & 1000’s of miles”
    to get there.Must be a bezillion tons
    of carbon spewed into the air as they burn
    1000’s of gallons of jet fuel…

  5. Report: Obama Climate Change Aides in Shadow ‘Cabinet’ to Thwart Trump

    A shadow government made up of former Obama climate change aides and funded by wealthy environmental advocates is supplementing liberal governors in an “off-the-books” operation to help them win approval of sweeping global warming changes and defy President Trump, according to a new investigative report.

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