Gov. Newsom Signs Legislation to Unionize CA’s 556,000 Fast Food Workers – IOTW Report

Gov. Newsom Signs Legislation to Unionize CA’s 556,000 Fast Food Workers

Get ready for more expensive, ‘slow food’ or kiosk clerks

California Globe:

By Katy Grimes

Governor Gavin Newsom and the state’s legislative Democrats just gave a whopper of a gift to the SEIU labor union – Gov. Gavin Newsom just signed Assembly Bill 257 by Assemblyman Chris Holden (D-Los Angeles), to unionize the state’s 556,000 fast-food workers fast food workers.

To gin up the SEIU’s latest union-member recruitment, fast food workers have been protesting wages, hours and safety at the State Capitol.

California is about to become the first state in the country to unionize fast food employees by expanding state government to create a new Fast Food Council within the Department of Industrial Relations to set minimum health, safety and employment standards across the California fast food industry – even though every business in California operates under health, safety and employment standards set by state and local laws.

“California is committed to ensuring that the men and women who have helped build our world-class economy are able to share in the state’s prosperity,” said Governor Newsom. “Today’s action gives hardworking fast-food workers a stronger voice and seat at the table to set fair wages and critical health and safety standards across the industry. I’m proud to sign this legislation on Labor Day when we pay tribute to the workers who keep our state running as we build a stronger, more inclusive economy for all Californians.”

As the Globe reported August 17th, the California Restaurant Association opposed AB 257 because AB 257 “requires fast-food giants to ensure all their restaurants have the necessary resources to operate safely”:

“AB 257 does nothing to help hard-working California families struggling with these costs, in fact it would only serve to hit their wallets even harder. also harms tens of thousands of counter service restaurants. It would impose increased employee costs and onerous new workplace rules at a time when many are still struggling to get back on their feet after the devastating impacts of the government mandated COVID closures. Many restaurants are struggling with labor shortages and increased costs for food and supply chain delays – all while trying desperately to stay afloat. We should be helping this vital sector of our state’s economy keep their doors open, not actively pursuing measures that would kick them closed.”

The International Franchise Association also opposed AB 257. MORE

29 Comments on Gov. Newsom Signs Legislation to Unionize CA’s 556,000 Fast Food Workers

  1. LOL, what are the union dues to SEIU again? 15% of their gross salary. Lol LOL. So now they’re making $18.70 an hour. But getting taxed on $22.00 an hour. As I’ve said before, fast food restaurants have permanent signage out advertising for $18.00 an hour. SCREWED AGAIN. LOL. I can’t wait until they figure this out.

  2. The democrat unions will win, but lower paid workers will be replaced by machines. If burgers cost 20 bucks at a fast food dump, I’ll spens 25 at a restaurant.

    The left has gone mad.

  3. The other unions have contracts that state the workers get pain a certain multiple of the minimum wage. When the MW goes, the union wage goes up. Now the union has even more money to kick into the Democrat campaigns. The pols get rich and the little guy gets screwed.

  4. Just wait.
    In 2024 Cali is voting on housing the homeless in hotels with vacant rooms reported after 2 PM.
    Soon enough ALL fast food and restaurants will have to provide meals as well.*

    *The French Laundry excluded…

  5. “California is committed to ensuring that the men and women who have helped build our world-class economy are able to share in the state’s prosperity,” said Governor Newsom.

    I think he meant to say “are able to share in its destruction”.

  6. Newsom’s California a “world-class economy” with more than half that population abandoning the “world-class” dump with its filth-encrusted views??? LOL and don’t forget—much of those supposed member “union dues” goes right to Newsom’s private accounts, as seen in cities and states such as NY et al.

  7. I wonder if anyone will decry the “food deserts” created by this grotesquerie. As I also wonder if anyone tracks the number of fast food closures…

  8. 𝓒𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻FJB𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂
    SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 AT 5:42 AM
    “I wonder if anyone will decry the “food deserts” created by this grotesquerie. As I also wonder if anyone tracks the number of fast food closures…”

    If fast food restaurants close, its because of racism by Trump supporters! REEEEEET!

  9. So the burger flippers are excited that Newsome lifted more money out of their earnings to pay for his crony union officials. No wonder WalMart is getting rid of their checkers. I know a checker who has worked at WalMart for 30 years. Her hours got cut to 4 hours a day, 3 times a week. Self-checkout? One checker keeping track of 6 checkout stands. Every single customer needed help with an item that wouldn’t ring up, or the machine froze stating “approval needed.” Plan on spending an additional 30 minutes to an hour checking out.

  10. @TRF September 6, 2022 at 8:27 am

    The new class of Texans: GTBOOCA and NSIT…
    (Good To Be Out Of California and No Sponging In Texas)

    LMAO! My sister moved from CA to TX 6 years ago – she HATES IT! She sees too many sponging off Texans. You need to get out more, there’s sponging in every state. Like many States, you have a water and power problem. BTW, my sister thinks she still lives in CA, human nature doesn’t change.

  11. So called “Fast Food Giants” actually have few, if any, retail store locations. Most of those are franchises. Some franchises have several stores and some only one. As usual this hurts small business. The big fast food companies are real estate leasing and brand licensing organizations and they tell the franchisees what suppliers they have to use to maintain their franchise.

  12. In & Out burgers least affected – they followed left coast refugees east and there are now nearly as many in AZ, UT, NV, TX, OR, UT and CO as there are in CA.
    Before long they’ll be leaving a restrictive market entirely.
    Just like everyone else.

  13. I hope you so called union workers figure out that the so called union officials DON’T WORK… They Subsist off your union dues!

    …and the more IDIOTS who pay union dues the richer the union officials get!

    By the way, unions only represent the “bad” workers, not the workers who follow the rules!

  14. Better learn to use the kiosk. Fast food places around me are all using them. Besides ordering your food you can get monkey pox from the guy ahead of you for free.
    And the same for all the stores that are cutting staff and forcing people to use the self checkout.

  15. No union donations of any kind unless their retirement plans are 100% funded. Why the hell are unions allowed to donate to communist candidates and measures and then we have to bail out bankrupt union pension plans?

  16. What good is unionization if there’s no place for the union workers to work?
    I can see all the fast food burger places shutting down because no one will be able to afford what the fast food places will need to charge to stay open. So, they’ll all go bankrupt and close. Bye bye, union and union workers.

  17. Welcome to Down & Out Burger, may I take your order? I have not one iota of sympathy for the people in California who always vote these Marxist Democrats into office every election cycle. Fuck ’em. California had the chance to get somewhat back on track when Newsom was recalled, yet there he sits. Governor now, wants to be president sooner than later. The death spiral that is California will soon be at your doorstep, demanding to be let in to rob you of all of that you hold dear, if this thug gets into the White House. Newsom is so far left that he would probably rename the White House, because it is offensive & a crime to even be white. Dumb & vain, a very dangerous combination.

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