Gov. Ron DeSantis vows to crack down on Communist China stealing intellectual property from Florida – IOTW Report

Gov. Ron DeSantis vows to crack down on Communist China stealing intellectual property from Florida

Geller Report-

Awesome governor. Expect a landslide re-election in Florida for Governor DeSantis in 2022. Any Floridian who votes against DeSantis is nuts.

7 Comments on Gov. Ron DeSantis vows to crack down on Communist China stealing intellectual property from Florida

  1. He needs to primary that RINO crapweasel Rubio. Polls here show DeSantis would crush Rubio in a primary. Rubio never met an anti Second Amendment bill he didn’t fall in love with. His “Terror Intelligence Improvement Act” must be stopped. The bill would summarily end the Second Amendment rights of anyone who has been “investigated” for “terrorism.”
    Of course, that means all the fake investigations our corrupt FBI and other policing agencies launch to harass conservatives. And you can bet that this bill will never, ever be applied to anyone left of center.

    Write your senator.

  2. Hey PP, why would he take a demotion, a cut in pay, power, and prestige? DeSantis is perfectly positioned for his 2024 WH run, that is if we still have a country then.

  3. Hey Rich-We love the guy here in Florida, but he would get more national exposure as senator and, with his leadership abilities, he will rise to the top of the heap. This will put him in better position to run for president. Also, one way or another, Rubio needs to be ousted. He’s a back stabbing RINO.

  4. PP, I agree that Rubio is a bit squishy but Governors have a much clearer path to the WH, having obtained the necessary “executive” experience. The campaign ads will write themselves, “What I did for Florida I can do for the whole country”

    Why be just one of the hundred when you can be the most influential, most talked about governor in the country?

    DeSantis, with the help of the MSM who bash him at every turn, is turning into a cult-like figure rivaling Trump himself. He is the clear favorite, having the support of the MAGA folks along with the establishment GOP’e’s who view him as more measured and circumspect than the Orange Man.

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