Government memo crushes Cuomo’s defense in COVID nursing home scandal – IOTW Report

Government memo crushes Cuomo’s defense in COVID nursing home scandal


Gov. Cuomo has repeatedly defended his administration’s directive for nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients as the product of federal “guidance” — even though one of those government documents says only that infected seniors “can” be admitted to the facilities.

In contrast, the Health Department’s since-rescinded, March 25 memo left little wiggle room to prevent “medically stable” patients from being transferred out of hospitals to nursing homes.

“During this global health emergency, all NHs must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NHs,” the state directive said.

And if there was any doubt about what that meant, the following sentence was underlined: “No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.”

But a March 13 memo from the US Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services — which the Health Department has cited as justification for its order — contains a Q&A on that very subject. read more

10 Comments on Government memo crushes Cuomo’s defense in COVID nursing home scandal

  1. Trump moved mountains to sen as much help as possible to NYC.

    Maddow was bitching about the Hospital ship never arriving as it was pulling into port.

    This mobster filth bag did it on purpose to try and make a name for himself.

    He is jealous of Giuliani after his 9/11 response and yet did the opposite of Giuliani with NYC Crime.

  2. Hanging is too good for mass murderers, IMHO.
    Particularly mass murderers who murder those in their care – under their protection, so to speak.

    Got to be a more creative method – something extended – painful – more fitting.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Don’t fool yourself, the left has no problem with killing babies in the womb, and Cuomo decided that senicide would help save money that he could give out as raises and perks to NYS workers so they’d vote for him in the next election. It was always about the money.


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