Government Officials Say Canadian Gun Ban Is Imminent – IOTW Report

Government Officials Say Canadian Gun Ban Is Imminent

Bearing Arms: Justin Trudeau’s government will move forward with a sweeping ban on semi-automatic firearms, and the announcement could come by the end of the week according to unnamed government officials who spoke to Canada’s Globe & Mail newspaper. The anonymous officials told reporters that most of the details have already been approved by Trudeau’s cabinet, and while additional gun control legislation is planned, the gun ban itself will be imposed without a vote in Parliament. more

34 Comments on Government Officials Say Canadian Gun Ban Is Imminent

  1. “In addition, the Liberals said they would create a buyback program to require the owners of newly banned firearms to sell them back to the government.”

    They have to sell them back to the one they bought them from?

    That’s what buying something back means, the seller is buying the item it sold back from the one that bought it.

    In any event, aren’t the Canadians only allowed to have 5 round magazines for them?

    FWIW, this shows some hope when they finally do the same here (and yes, they can. They just reclassify them as machine guns the same way Trump commanded bump stocks to be classified that way and nothing manufactured after may of ’86 is still legal):

  2. O’keefe strikes again.

    Funeral Director, Colonial Home Michael Lanza of Staten Island, says that they’re writing cause of death on all death certs as covid 19 whether there was any test or not. Says he thinks it’s all about politics and money.

    Good luck finding any elected republican who will do a damn thing about this.

  3. So here’s the scenario: Armed gunman commits home invasion armed robbery. Homeowner shoots and wounds robber, and calls police while holding robber at gunpoint. Police arrive and arrest robber AND homeowner. Gunman is charged with attempted robbery and possession of illegal gun. Homeowner is charged with possession of illegal gun. Robber cops a plea, and the illegal gun charge is dismissed. Homeowner is only charged with possession and has nothing to plea away. Homeowner and robber he shot are both incarcerated in the same prison. Robber sticks homeowner with a shieve in the shower. Robber is released after 2 years to avoid pandemic. Canada pays for homeowners burial.

  4. While I’m sure these socialists have been working on this for awhile I believe its coming to the forefront in order to take focus off their inept and borderline criminal handling and over-reaction to the Wuhan virus. The little shit heel knows he’s in deep trouble but since the Conservative Party is in the middle of a leadership campaign he thinks he can get away with it.
    Citizens really need to hammer this bastard asking why he’s not coming down harder on criminals who use these weapons and especially those smugglers and straw purchasers getting them into the hands of those that can never buy them legally. However, since that would be common sense it’s unlikely to happen.

  5. I imagine this is in response to the recent shooting spree in Nova Scotia.

    Never mind that making your car look like a police car and dressing like a police office is against the law, let’s make another law that works against the honest citizen. Who needs them anyway.

  6. Pretty sure they’d have to go the Texas route and declare independence from Canada first.

    Not like they can slink from one country to another just cause they’re butt hurt.

    Hell, we’re not even sure how butt hurt they are. Most of them will meekly comply and apologize to the cops confiscating their gunz.

    So I say they can be our northern Puerto Rico until they demonstrate some common sense.


  7. It was implemented today at 10 am. May 1/2020.

    Monday Dr. Tam was recounting the virtues of TRACKING people via apps and responding accordingly with force.

    Friday, 1500 types of “ASSAULT” Guns Banned with no parliamentary approval.

    May 1/2020, Canada’s day that will live in infamy.

    Our latest mass murderer had fake police cars & not one of his guns was even remotely legal. He had no license for ANYTHING!

    With respect to anyone who fought, served, or lost their lives to defend whatever this country WAS thought to be, It is no longer that which you fought for.

    I have told my family, sadly, that if this country ever asks you to make the ultimate sacrifice, do not answer that call. No one will be there to acknowledge that you fought for what was worth living for.

    Canada WILL be a failed state within this century.
    A society to be enslaved by those that cannot achieve but can only take from those who could have achieved.

    Alberta & Saskatchewan, leave while you can. You will have a better chance with America than you ever had with ottawa.


  8. Sasquatchland?

    The place named after some fat tranny has oil. We already have plenty of bigfeet down here.

    Are we some kinda’ used car lot that will just take any piece of crap territory ?

    Does Sascathejuan have references? None of us have ever heard of the place.

  9. To my American Friends,

    Alberta & Saskatchewan are the BEST we ever had. Cowboys, Farmers, Oil men, and Ranchers, the hardest working Canada ever had.

    Heroes, that lifted us on their backs in the last great recession, only to be abandoned by an entire country 12 years latter.

    When they leave canada, welcome them, and benefit from who they are as strong people and what they can achieve.

  10. i’ve met a lot of retirees from Alberta. They’d need a lot of deprogramming. All they have for news is CNN and when i educated them they looked at me like i was lying.

    I’d welcome them gladly

  11. Ditto Charlie. These aren’t Americans. We need to print up some sort of 12 step program and airdrop the leaflets all over wherever Alberta….sigh….. and Sasquatchland is.

    Christ, we have stricter rules for guys wanting to date our daughters. We’re not picking up states like day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot.

    PS. my avi is a picture of American Jesus sportin’ a 1894 lever action Winchester. So….you can expect more of the same.

  12. Can we adopt Newfoundland. I was stationed there in the 80’s and loved it. Been back twice since, demographics are shifting but still beautiful territory.

  13. Can we adopt Newfoundland. I was stationed there in the 80’s andoved it. Been back twice since, demographics are shifting but still beautiful territory.

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