Government Watchdog Says Senate Should Call on Joe Biden’s Son to Testify on China, Ukraine Deals – IOTW Report

Government Watchdog Says Senate Should Call on Joe Biden’s Son to Testify on China, Ukraine Deals

Epoch Times – The U.S. Senate should call on Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, to testify and answer questions about his business dealings in China and Ukraine, a government watchdog president said.

Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, said that the son of the Democratic presidential frontrunner should be called in to testify before a Congressional committee.

“I think it is not unreasonable at all for the Senate to ask Hunter Biden to come in and testify,” Schweizer said during an interview with Breitbart. “Why did you get a billion-dollar-plus deal with the Chinese government—a kind of deal that Goldman Sachs and nobody else got—even though he had no background in private equity and no background in China? These are very simple and basic questions that need to be asked.”

“The Chinese are not going to toss around deals that size without expecting something in return,” he added. “Especially if somebody that’s not qualified to get that deal, and a Ukrainian oligarch is not going to spend what according to bank record was $3.1 million into this account over a 14-month period for nothing. They’re expecting something in return, and that’s what Hunter Biden needs to be asked by a Senate committee to explain.” read more

9 Comments on Government Watchdog Says Senate Should Call on Joe Biden’s Son to Testify on China, Ukraine Deals

  1. Ah come on. Gimmeafookenbreak! He’s a domorat. They ain’t to touch that cheatin,’coke snortin,’low life son of a bitch.
    But keep up the good work. Even a 26 handicap hacker can get a hole-in-one.
    I like Epoch Times and Judicial Watch. One day they will ace that shit hole. I hope I’m around.

  2. I can cross my fingers while I hope and wait for such an occurrence but chances are that they would just get atrophied into that position and I need them for work. Besides that some liberal will decide that its now determined to be a racist gesture and I’d be branded forever.👌

  3. This is the answer, corruption, insider deals and no-bid contracts ……. what’s the question?

    How do US representatives, senators and their families become Multi- $Millionaires?

  4. The Bidens are dirtbags. We know it. But The media don’t.
    Well they pretend they don’t. The media are balless, and anti American. The media are President Trump’s biggest enemy. Watch them operate over the next year. They won’t mention his achievements. Never!
    I can’t take this shit anymore.


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