Governor Brown called California tax payers FREELOADERS – IOTW Report

Governor Brown called California tax payers FREELOADERS


Latest on the Josh Newman recall effort…

This week Governor Brown defended Sen. Josh Newman and called those opposed to the gas and car tax “freeloaders.”


He said:

“Roads require money to fix. Republicans say there’s a magic source of money — it doesn’t exist. … You want to borrow money and pay double? Or do nothing? Or take money from universities? The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them. They have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they’re following suit.”

So if you pay taxes and work hard in this state, you’re a freeloader. You’re a freeloader for trying to hold your government accountable.

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17 Comments on Governor Brown called California tax payers FREELOADERS

  1. I want to take the money from Jerry’s magic high speed bullet train to nowhere as well as abolish the AB 32 anti-global warming malarky, and use that for roads. Also, let’s get rid of the bullshit “majors” in the UC system like [insert special interest group here] studies, can Napolitano and other useless and dangerous educrats, and cut state agencies 10% across the board.

    There, I just saved Caifornia several billion dollars a year for road work.

  2. Take the money used to pay legislators’, bureaucrats’, and elected state officials’ security details and their cars and chauffeurs and put it in the highway fund. If those vermin had to drive their own cars on the state roads and highways all the while looking over their shoulders for irate constituents they might get a more realistic idea of the real world. Oh, heck, who am I fooling with that crazy and impossible idea?

  3. Like TaxPAYER said above, what was being done with the money that was ALREADY being collected for road maintenance? Where the hell is that money going?

    Well, the glorious Peoples’ Socialist Mexican Occupational Government in California diverted every last cent into funding Free Shit for illegal aliens – presumably in exchange for voting Democrat in the elections.

    If the 25+ million illegal aliens in California were sent back to Mexico, the Democrats would never win another election in California.

    Now Jerry thinks he needs more money.

    Jerry actually needs to spend the last decades of his life in a nasty prison.

  4. California folks: just move. Let the real freeloaders foot their own bills for a change. I know, ‘easier said than done’ you’ll say. Well, I guess you’ll just have to stay and ……pay. (you freeloading h8ters!)

  5. The saddest part of the California tragedy is that there are large parts of that spectacularly beautiful and naturally bounteous state inhabited by good people. There just aren’t enough of them to counteract the gimme-gimmes of SF, LA, etc., who elect crooks and ideologues to Sacramento and DC.

  6. Here in Georgia we had a legislative change (again) in how our motor fuel tax money is disbursed. Once again, and like it was sold originally to the voters, it goes to the DOT. Not into the general fund for the politicians to play with.

    Now we have projects from 4 laneing roads that really need it, replacing bridges, and putting out construction projects for bid that have been on the back burner for decades. Shit is happening all over, not just the permanent construction zone that is Atlanta.

    Where does Cali put the money collected from fuel taxes? I don’t know, can anybody that lives there help me out?

  7. Whatever money CA gets from taxpayers goes to wherever program the legislators says it’s going. And then they let everyone know where to come and steal the money from.
    Like the CA Lotto. It’s supposed to go to the schools, right? Yet twice a year, the petitioners from the teachers union park their juicy asses in front of the grocery stores and beg for signatures to have legislature give them more money for this and that. They always get it. and here they come 6 months later asking for more. And they get it. Hey it takes a lot of money to fund departmental trips to Mexico for “meetings”.

  8. California runs a “General Fund” scam. Taxes collected, even if designated for a specific purpose, are put into the General Fund, and so ends the accountability trail. funds are take from the general fund but there is no effort to make sure money collected for a specific purpose is spent on it.

  9. Thank you Bitter, I suspected that may have been the case. Georgia (where I live) certainly does the same in a lot of cases. They sell a ‘special’ tax to the voters and promise that is where the collections will go. Then very soon after it gets diverted into the general fund.

    But there seems to be a small change percolating through the state house that perhaps they should actually earmark those funds for where they were initially designed to end up.

    I know how difficult this is for politicians to do, as you might end up with a state agency getting rich and powerful that you never intended to happen. I suppose at that point they jockey to get on the committee that has oversight of that agency. Because for damn sure, the lure of the money ain’t gone away.

  10. Odin2013 and Uncle Al : Thank’s for recognizing True Californians.
    The Liberals are obviously looking only where they want for funds. History tells us this won’t work, it never has.
    Help…we need a Republican Like R.R again.

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