Conservative Treehouse:
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer addressed the issue of her husband attempting to use his position to get their personal boat prepped and in the water prior to Memorial day so they could enjoy the holiday. The Michigan governor said her husband was joking when he told the boat storage operator he was the husband of the governor and asked if that would move him up in the line of requests.
Additionally Governor Whitmer highlights how the citizens of Michigan are victimizing her; including scary men who have surrounded her home while carrying “automatic weapons.” Whitmer says the COVID-19 virus has created an undue hardship on her and her family, and she is burdened by hurt feelings and wounded sensibilities. Whitmer personifies what happens when left-wing moonbats are allowed to gain political power.
Additionally (below), Whitmer denies reports that her family violated her own stay-home orders and traveled to their second home. She insists her husband only traveled to their second home to rake leaves by moonlight for one, or, well, maybe two days… or something. more
Listen bitch, go blow your boatswain’s pipe and STFU.
Lying totalitarian Soros paid whore got caught, and now it’s the people whom she’s supposed to represents fault?
Libtards are perpetual ‘victims’ and never take any responsibility for their mistakes. They are spoiled children forever throwing tantrums.
That’s Hillary as a governor.
When did sandra barnard learn sign language?
…Wait, is she dead?
which state gov is gonna be first to get pitch-forked in the ass?
Governor Gauleiter and Sandra Bernhard have orders that must be obeyed. For you the war is over! Anyone who disobeys will be sent to the Eastern Front.
The only ones being victimized are the citizens of Michigan. She is the worst POS governor in the country at present. She is not above the law although she thinks she is and sooner or later she’s going to crash and burn and it won’t be pretty. Sort of like Icarus flying into the Sun.
If she’s scared now, she should read up on Nicolae Ceaușescu.
Wait, I see a resemblance…
Poor liddle pooty tat…. is your shameless political hustling for VP causing you backlash? I feel so bad for you.
@MJA – That’s not Sandra Barnard…That’s a MAN, baby!!
With all the Posse Comitatus in Michigan I’m surprised she is still out in public.
She’s making Granholm look sane.
Wicked Whitchmer is so stupid she probably can’t tell her own security detail from an everyday MI citizen.
It’s obvious the DemonRats scrape the bottom of the septic tank to find their candidates.
I think that interpreter is the love child of Sandra Barnard and Mr. Bean.
When did ASL interpreters replace closed captioning?
Wait! She’s being intimidated by men carrying “automatic weapons”?
Why doesn’t she call the police and have them arrested? Since there’s a 99% chance anyone carrying an automatic weapon would be doing so illegally!
Of course, it’s more likely 99% chance she’s wrong (like always) and the firearms being carried are legal semi-autos and she would come out looking even more the fool.
I’m sorry, is my ass hurting your pitchforks?
She’s being victimized by the citizens…
Classic Tyrant Paranoia!
There is always suicide, Whitmer.
ode to MI #1 (my-s**t-is-gone):
.a t**t gubernor known as “half-wit”
.kept getting her a** in the s**t
.the state economy she be wreckin’
.the Constitution she ain’t ree-speckin’
.just another lawyer-liar lib-twit!
ode to MI #2, gubmint:
.a half-wit guvnah went law-less
.said her “proclamations” they’s be flaw-less
.it was all quite a stunt
.from a useless lib-c**t
.she just made more demonrat-rat dog-mess!
ode to MI #3, gubmint:
.a dhimmi-rat “loy-uh” named “seeds”
.said i alone know what youse’ needs,
.obey my commandments & fast,
.kiss my royal commie-a**,
.or i’ll s**t on this state ’til it bleeds!
ode to MI #4, t**t ag:
.a carpet-muncher d-rat name of nessel
.bent over to inspect her front “vessel”
.she inserted a t**t-light,
.cursed out the alt-right,
.said i can’t see s**t in this mess-hole!
ode to MI #5, covid-tracker gubmint:
.the covid-colonoscopy “jerkers”
.got’s to justify their demonrat “workers”
.they’s goan’ spy on yo’ phone
.while they slips you the bone
.they’s be dnc-party-twerkers!
ode to MI #6, royal-boater edition:
.the “spouse” of gub-ner half-wit
.thought he was really hot s**t
.”axed” to get in line 1st,
.got told to suck on his “wurst”
.another entitled dim-twit!
“she is burdened by hurt feelings and wounded sensibilities”
Remember Benito Mussolini? If you listened in you History class (if you even had History), you would not treat us like your subjects.
We are free citizens of the United States of America and we are not affraid of you. You will be afraid of us. That is what our Founders taught us.
Thomas Jefferson: “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
Plays the bitch card, now the victim card.
I tell you, this broad is a professional liberal!
None of the blowback has anything to do with what she’s done, of course!
With any luck she’ll tarred & feathered by ’em, too. >:->
That signer is a dude. Every state administration has a required number of tranz. Get over it, prols. 👿
“…..husband was joking……”
T’wern’t funny. No one was laughing.
Y’all need new speech/comedy/joke writers.
Someone outside of your usual nanny state Libtard DildoCrat head-up-ass TRS (small) circle.
That is, if you can find someone who fits those qualifications AND is willing to work for The Wicked Witch of the North.
Think it’s bad now? Wait until election day.
I’m surprised that she has a husband. She’s a black widow and he’s probably lucky she hasn’t bit his head off yet especially after having sex with that harpie. Her eyes reflect evil, she is soulless and dead to the world except for serving her true master (just like hellary) Lucifer.