Governor Grim Reaper – IOTW Report

Governor Grim Reaper

Patriot Retort:

There’s some doofus who is trolling the Florida beaches dressed as the Grim Reaper.  See, he thinks healthy people enjoying the great outdoors are a threat to grandma and grandpa.  So he wants to guilt them into staying home by dressing up as Death.

Ironic since Florida is not in any way, shape, manner or form the epicenter of the Wuhan pandemic.  In fact, Florida has done very well in maintaining an open economy while dealing with those most vulnerable.

So why doesn’t this doofus dress as the Grim Reaper and roam the halls of Albany? Seems like that would make a more meaningful statement than wandering around a state that is handing the virus much better.

I guess it’s more fun spending time on the Florida beaches than it is actually calling attention to those who have caused more death than necessary.

Besides, the doofus doesn’t need to haunt Albany.  Albany already has its own Grim Reaper.

8 Comments on Governor Grim Reaper

  1. Well if Cuomo is resigned to that fact that “vulnerable people are going to die from the virus no matter what you do”, why continue with the lockdown governor? Life is about taking risks. And for 90% of the US population that means Wuhan is not a threat to us. Now, that doesn’t change the fact that there is no earthly reason for Cuomo to have ordered nursing homes to accept patients who were positive for the virus. It was nothing less than sentencing to death our most vulnerable population. That’s just plain stupid and shows he was not listening to the “science” he purports to make his decisions on. He is a dismal failure.

  2. I read “Governor Grim Reaper” and I immediately began guessing:
    Washington Democrat Jay Inslee?
    Oregon Democrat Ms Weirdo?
    California Demicrat Gruesome?
    Louisiana Democrat Gov Ackbar?
    NY Democrat “NippleRing” Sollozzo?
    PA Democrat Wolf?
    Bitchigan Democrat wHITLER?
    NJ Democrat Murphy?
    Masshole Democrat Asshole?
    VA Democrat KKK Blackface?
    Illinois Democrat Pritler?
    KY Democrat Whatsisname?

    I’m sure there’s more that I’ve missed but for Heaven’s sake there’s already so many to choose from. I wonder what the common thread is among all of them?

  3. Nursing home patients will die faster when you mix them with patients who are importing Cocid 19. I bet you wish your name and signature were not on that order,

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