Governor Serving on Biden Advisory Board Buckles, Sends Officials to Border to Beg for Less Migrants – IOTW Report

Governor Serving on Biden Advisory Board Buckles, Sends Officials to Border to Beg for Less Migrants


A state chock-full of sanctuary cities is now begging for a stop to the constant flow of illegal immigrants surging through the southern border.

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey — a Democrat — dispatched top state officials to the United States’ border with Mexico earlier this week in an attempt to slow the mass movement of people into the Bay State.

The state administrators had a simple and clear message once they reached areas along Texas’ southern line: Massachusetts is full. MORE

8 Comments on Governor Serving on Biden Advisory Board Buckles, Sends Officials to Border to Beg for Less Migrants

  1. Why should anyone trust a party that deliberately ignore an obviously destructive move like leaving borders wide open just because their fantasy world utopia has that as a good thing. We live in the real world. And in the real world we know if we give the opportunity to every country on Earth to send all their criminals and lunatics to the US they’re gonna take it.

    And the democrats actually run all the NGOs paying for this invasion with money they get from the US government, i.e. us.

    JFC, what a goddamn shit show. Fuck all theses stupid, evil democrat scumbags and their spineless republican servants.

  2. She should talk to Gov Millstone (ME)
    Mills wants to bring in 75,000 more illegals from mostly Africa and even established a new bureaucracy for “Assimilation” into Maine.
    These Dirty Dems, especially the feelz women, are so dumb.

  3. The whole world saw what Biden is like without his teleprompter last night. Look for them to bring in as many more illegals as they can while they can still get away with it.

  4. The border-crossers are just your typical, run-of-the-mill, illegal-alien invading rat-people, parasites at heart – their enablers, however, are satanic filth – destroying the once-greatest country on Earth.

    They WILL get what they deserve – just not in time to stop their destruction.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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