Governor Thumb-on-the-Scales Cuomo – IOTW Report

Governor Thumb-on-the-Scales Cuomo

Patriot Retort: Jerry Brown better watch his back. Because another governor is gunning for the title “Most Incompetent Ever.”

Sadly, that governor is my own.

Last night Chris Cuomo’s stupider brother tweeted out this:

When a governor happily admits that he eschews “equal justice under the law” there is something seriously wrong.

But there you go.

Governor Thumb-on-the-Scales.

It’s astounding to me that Cuomo sees nothing unjust about this.

“Social justice” is a fraud because Justice is supposed to blind.

Why are there more minorities in Rikers?

Well, because more crime is committed by minorities.

It isn’t rocket science, Governor Thumb-on-the-Scales.

Why are more minorities in failing schools?

Well, there are a couple reasons. Failing schools tend to be located Democrat-controlled areas where poverty and crime abound.

In addition to that, teachers unions have far too much power – thanks in large part to their generous contributions to said Democrat officials. READ MORE

20 Comments on Governor Thumb-on-the-Scales Cuomo

  1. whodda thunk that Chris Coumo has a dumber brother … but, there it is!

    the problem is that he understands his voters are even more stupid than he is, & they believe this vocal diarrhea

  2. Dear New Yorkers,

    Sorry about your failed state. Really. I am.
    Please don’t escape your failed state with your inferior thinking. You are not welcome below the Mason Dixon line.

    Do not move here.

    You are too stupid to be a southerner.

    I know. You’ve spent your lives mocking us hayseeds, we dumbass southerners, but trust me on this.

    Do not think that, ultimately, you will prevail. Virginia, for instance, has had a temporary setback due to the massive influx of deep state interlopers fattening themselves on the government teet.

    They aren’t Virginians and are being evicted.

    This is war. And a war you won’t win.

  3. Of coure, how obvious – when your policies are failing, lie. As sportscaster Jim Rome used to say, if you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying.

  4. Dianny.

    New Yorkers who understand why they have to flee and what mentality caused the state to fail, such as yourself, are ALWAYS WELCOME.

    Cmon in Dianny.

    Those libs whose guv pensions that don’t keep up with cost of living? Stay away.

  5. Moe. I know a little Gaelic. Kiss my ass, right?
    Like I said,it’s a mentality thing. All conservatives are welcome.

    Those escaping high tax, high regulation hell holes, without the ability to discern cause/effect, not so much

  6. Here’s an example. Recently there was an immense cold snap and snowstorm where I Iive.

    There was a letter to the editor of the county paper from a man who recently moved here, stating that he wasn’t from here and he was horrified that it took 3 days for VDOT to dig him out of his cul de sac. Certainly taxes should be raised to minimize his inconvenience.

    Of course I responded.

    We do not base tax policy based on 50year events. And living in a low tax, rural county, one should budget their time to expect to be snowbound for 3-4 days per winter.

    I remember being snowbound for at least that long when I lived in Massachusetts.

    This is the mentality that I do not care for.

  7. In other words, drag our Society down to the lowest level of Suck to “equalize” things and make it easier for disingenuous politicians like Cuomo to control the people and grab the wealth.
    Got it!
    Fck You Andy!

  8. Failing schools, NYCHA, Rikers, what do they all have in common? They have mostly minority populations and they are all being abused.

    I see my job as Governor to put my thumb on the scales for social justice.

    What do they Have in common they are all agencies run by democrats

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