Governors urge Congress to address prescription drug shortages – IOTW Report

Governors urge Congress to address prescription drug shortages

You’re not happy with the Fentanyl coming across the US/Mexico border?

(The Center Square) – Eleven governors are asking Congress to adopt policies to ease the nation’s prescription drug shortages.

The governors said in a letter sent Tuesday to Congressional leaders that 80% of active ingredients in prescription drugs are made outside of the U.S., mainly in India and China. But little is done to change that, they said.

“States are taking what limited action we can to combat prescription drug shortages,” the governors said. “Individual states have expanded our medical caches to increase the diversity of prescription drugs that are stockpiled in case of emergency shortages. To create real change, the states need Washington to take action.”

The governors are asking Congress to consider policies that would “increase diversity in the manufacturing of generic medications with regards to both raw materials and final manufacturing,” require the FDA to be more transparent about shortages and supply disruptions and reexamine expiration date guidance to extend medicines shelf lives. more

7 Comments on Governors urge Congress to address prescription drug shortages

  1. Government assholes created shortage of a drug my hubby can tolerate.
    Had to go without for three months.
    Put us back to square one in his treatment.
    I hope all these assholes die the most painful way possible.

  2. EVERYTHING they touch is fucked up. They limit pharmaceutical companies production creating shortages and in some cases, of life saving drugs. I deal with it almost monthly. Our government either doesn’t know what they’re doing or they’re intentionally harming the citizens with needless regulations made by clueless or sadistic individuals. They invade every aspect of our lives. I’m old and I’m sick of it. If they’d get out of the way this country would thrive beyond belief. They’re like damn gnats constantly harassing us.

  3. A little while back the govt was going to have Kodak produce some of the drug precursors and was going to provide a large loan to them. Of course Kodak management then gets busted for insider trading.


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