“Send them all to be cleared. If we’re going to release one, we’re going to release them all because I want folks to see that this is a serious investigation into all aspects of Benghazi.”



11 Comments on Gowdy Moves to Release ALL BENGHAZI WITNESS TRANSCRIPTS

  1. Yes! Especially the ones of the witnesses they didn’t want made public. The ones that were forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement! I’d love to see all those lying commie maggots hanged!

  2. I want to read Patrick Kennedys account. This SOB’s only purpose in life is to destroy people. He’s one nasty POS……………. C-SPAN was discussing this guy testimony in the first hearings, everyone on the panel said he was a worthless human being that never produced anything of worth.
    Another one is Charlene Lamb’s account. She described minute by minute what was happening. The Democrats have done everything to destroy her testimony…. Thank you thank you thank you Trey Goudy. We love you , Trey.

  3. Boy, I’ve liked Gowdy from the getgo, but he sure stunk it up at the after party. He looked like some ghost was fondling his junk and could barely put three word together… I hope it was just a result of the stress of the day…sure sounded like a demtard

  4. Ain’t this great? Our overlords in DC acting like they are going to police their own.

    This is theater. If you think anyone will be held accountable for the loss of these four lives you are a fool. And you have no idea of how government operates today.

    Accountability in government will show up when about twenty of them, the worst offenders, get their brains splashed about.

    Barring that, you get bread and circus.

    At times in our history (England) we killed Kings. Because they needed killing.

    Things got better for a while.

  5. Gowdy might be a little pissed (I know I am) after listening to A-holes like Cummings and the rest of Clinton’s virtual defense lawyers who are paid for by the tax payers of this country.
    Cummings is one ugly, disgusting, unlikable SOB!

    Let’s hear from the witnesses who were there and were told to stand down, along with those in Tripoli and other military resources who were much closer than seven hours away.
    I wish the parents of those who died were allowed to question Hillary under oath.

  6. Lets recall how quickly effective the Swiftboat Veterans were who came together to oppose John Fing Kerry. I still have my copy of “Unfit for Command” around here someplace. Those guys did more to shoot Kerry down in flames than anyone else.

    We need the same kind of group to arise and come together to oppose the Hildebeest in the same way. The dead in Benghazi could not get any military support because the Obama Administration had withdrawn it from the Med when he took office.

    Of course Hillary had nothing to do with putting an extra carrier battle group in the Persian Gulf to defend the Iranians from the Israelis. Just ask her.

    I still can’t think of any Navy pilot I ever met in 20 years who would have obeyed an order to shoot down an Israeli aircraft. Too many of our pilots have done joint tours with the Israelis, and vice-versa. They all know one another personally. To think this Administration would even consider sending our Naval Aviators against Israel is hideous. Its obscene.

    It is something worth professional military vets to come together to make sure the likes of Hillary never get near the reins of power again.

  7. People are expecting way to much from Gowdy–he is powerless unless the DOJ is willing to persue any punishment–and seeing how Lois Lerner waltzed off into a 6 figure paid retirement it is unlikely..His committee can scathe her in their report–maybe an independent counsel can find her guilty and that would help the general numbed out public see her for the serial crinimal sociopath chucky doll she is. Unless you got a legit DOJ you are fucked.

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