GP: Audit Documents Were Created Last Week for Georgia Election Audit Completed in November Only After FOIA Request – IOTW Report

GP: Audit Documents Were Created Last Week for Georgia Election Audit Completed in November Only After FOIA Request

Gateway Pundit:

Much of what is presented below comes from the good work of Kevin Moncla

The Georgia audit held in November 2020 after the election that providedthe corrupt Secretary of State support that the election in his state was fine was not fine itself.  Some damaging information provided through a FOIA request confirms this.

In January we determined that the firms selected by Maricopa County in Arizona to perform audits of the 2020 Election were not certified when they were selected by the county as had been claimed.

One of these firms selected by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to perform the audit there for the country was also used by corrupt Brad Raffensperger in Georgia in performing an audit there in November 2020 after the early November election.  We noted therefore that the audit there was not performed by a certified auditor since Pro V&V was not certified at that time.  This clean audit opinion was given after looking at no ballots from the election. more here

7 Comments on GP: Audit Documents Were Created Last Week for Georgia Election Audit Completed in November Only After FOIA Request

  1. I see one biggish problem here. They (contractor) audited the firmware in the ballot marking and ballot counting hardware. Contractor states that the firmware hashes matched the certified firmware hashes (geek speak for a mathematical function that compares two copies of binary code and will detect even minor differences).

    My question is ‘which’ certified firmware? The State ‘certified’ a software load that was used in the Primary elections. Dominion techs visited Rome (where I live) less than a week before the General election to install “a software patch”. Patched software is necessarily not the same software that was “certified” by the State.

    So who exactly provided this certified reference copy of the firmware? The State or Dominion.

    I left out the part about ANY changes made after State certification of the software make any such certification null and void and require re-certification. This was not done.

    Sounds like Georgia violated Federal and State law by allowing this ‘patch’ to be applied.

  2. Let’s say we get enough states to decertify electors that went to Biden and re certify for Trump. Who’s going to force this regime to leave? You know they’re not just shrug their shoulders and walk away. Especially when they know they’ll be faced with prosecution. Fun times. I’d really like to see that scenario play out.

  3. Well, Brad, if we get to the point of de-certification that changes the result of the election then I think our future will depend on American Patriots by the tens of millions to peacefully make our voices heard and felt! We can only hope we have enough LEO’s and military that love our country to recognize that we must turn this around and punish the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS that put us in this predicament! If we don’t have their support then we are in big trouble. We’re probably in big trouble no matter what.

  4. I feel like organized crime has taken control of Georgia. Not the Tony Soprano type, but an alliance of Uniparty political operators. race hustlers and Chicom moneymen. And they’ll stop at nothing. They don’t care if anyone knows they phonied up a document or two. Brian Kemp ain’t going to do jack. Neither is Kelly Loeffler. The cabal used Harrison Deal to make sure of that. And don’t expect too much from Judge Amero either. He’s walking the high wire with the rest of them.

    Georgia is a soft state, and easily bought. It will stay bought. Life has been too easy here for too long, and everybody from everywhere has come to eat a peach at the Georgian Hotel. It was good while it lasted, though.


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