Grab a magnet, a box of cereal, and meet me in the kitchen – IOTW Report

Grab a magnet, a box of cereal, and meet me in the kitchen

The magnetic breakfast cereal experiment.
Have you tried this? 😁

24 Comments on Grab a magnet, a box of cereal, and meet me in the kitchen

  1. yes, when you ingest something ‘fortified’ w/ iron, that’s what you get …. iron!

    one of the reasons I donate blood is that I have too much iron in my blood. routinely test in the 18+ hemoglobin range. gotta watch the iron intake or my digestive system locks up like Elvis on the throne. have been mis-diagnosed several times w/ hepatitis due to a high content in my liver. donating blood (particularly double-reds) keeps the iron levels down. people w/ a too-high iron content actually have to be bled every couple of months due to the toxicity.

  2. My 88 ft well always brings up rusty water. And if you run a magnet in the dirt in my dirt driveway, you always get iron particles. I think its from years of rust falling off cars parked there. Why do we have magnetic poles? Maybe earth has tons of iron in it? Food for thought.

  3. I was iron deficient when I was younger. It caused me to be obsessed with chewing ice cubes. Weird symptom but true and hard on your teeth. As soon as I started iron supplements the obsession went away.

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