Graham Says GOP Donors Will Jump Ship If Tax Reform Fails – IOTW Report

Graham Says GOP Donors Will Jump Ship If Tax Reform Fails

Daily Caller: Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham conceded Thursday that the GOP will lose the financial support of its donors should Congress fail to pass a comprehensive tax reform bill, according to The New York Times’ Alan Rappeport.

Graham’s admission is in keeping with statements made by a number of Republican lawmakers, including Rep. Chris Collins of New York, who told reporters Tuesday that “My donors are basically saying, ‘Get it done or don’t ever call me again.’”

Graham’s comment comes as Republican unity on tax reform has been imperiled as a result of senate Republicans’ meddling with key details of the tax bill draft released by the House on Nov. 2.

One source of tension dividing the two chambers is a measure that would limit corporate tax avoidance. Republicans in the upper chamber plan to dramatically scale back the measure, reducing the revenue the government stood to recoup in lost tax dollars by roughly 95 percent.  read more here

13 Comments on Graham Says GOP Donors Will Jump Ship If Tax Reform Fails

  1. And therein lies the problem, they should worry about the voters but their loyalty is to donors and here we are a year later with both chambers of congress and a republican president and nothing to show for it.

  2. This is why I thought PDT would ram through Tax Reform first, and afterwards attack the worm-can of Obamacare once he’d demonstrated victory, scalps collected, and momentum. (And the lamentations of their women)

    Bannon’s saying Tax Reform, then McConnell must resign. Nice catchy mantra, and it both puts Turtlechins on the hook and gives him a deadline.

  3. Many GOP donors have stopped contributing when Ryan and McCONnel continued to support obama’s agenda and then became Obstructionists when Trump was elected.
    The only donors they care about are the Chamber of commerce, Healthcare industry, Insurance Industry, heavy hitter lobbyists, Banks and Associations.

  4. I figure Tax Reform will fail … McConnell & McShitStain will see to it
    they are quite comfortable playing second string & want Trump to fail as bad as the demonRats

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